I have already acquiesced on the wrappers. I do admit to thoughtflly stroking my roguish, er, chin in April as I uncover another Nestle "Crunch" bar that you maggots threw under the leaves that I failed to rake. "Lo," says I, "those lovable miscreants! Another wrapper, hooooooo!" And then I chortle.
The wrappers are fine. What I'm asking you to do is not drop-kick the tiki torch.
I don't know whose idea it is (VitriolaX) (I'm hinting at whose idea it is) (which is Vitriola's) to put a large, very wieldy staff of fireballs directly in front of our house, but we can't change what's going to happen tomorrow. It will be out there. In the front lawn. Next to the house.
Near the... ah... the orbital spiders in the bushes. (NOTE: they might be called "orbit" or "orb" spiders, I'm not the expert here. Orbital spiders sounds more menacing, so we'll go with that and I'll turn post editing off) (again) I had forgotten about them. Well, you definitely don't want to do anything like take the tiki torch and wave it around the bushes, flushing the little unkillable bastards out as they fry in a delicious autumn crisp.
Autumn crisp! Fucking yummy!
Anyway, even though it would be the silver lining in the cloud, please don't. I will be getting "Good n' Plenty" and "Bit o' Honey" and giving it out to any Trick or Treater that seems to be older than four weeks old (confidential to V.X, Denver CO: please don't take this nonsense as meaning that you shouldn't totally still get candy at the Safeway tomorrow) and I am already drawing up a Google Spreadsheet on the Acceptable Losses. Here's a pie chart:

The orange part is how much Bit o' Honey I expect to be plastered to the side of the house. The green is the same, but for Good n' Plenty. The blue part is satisfied Trick or Treaters, which also happens to be the same percentage of four-week-old- TnTers / denizens without teeth. I find just ripping a chart off the Internet and letting the numbers coalesce to be much more convenient, and I appreciate you all running with me on this. But seriously, we have a big, exposed, side of the house that is so big a rocket hit it for the 4th of July, but totally bounced off. I would greatly prefer for it to not be covered in eggs, which unlike sugary treats, I won't lick clean.
Thank you, and have a great 2008 Halloween.