Lik-Sang.... fighting back!!
Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 4:41 pm
Lik-sang is, of course, everyone's favorite site for buying mods for your X-box, Gamecube or PS2. Whoops! Heheh! I mean, Microsoft's X-box, Nintendo's Gamecube and Sony's Playstation II. They cost two fucking hundred dollars each, but it's still their hardware.
Anyway, Lik-sang is mad as hell and not going to take it any more:
I wish them the best, and would much prefer to live in a world where a large corporation cannot shut a small business down because they have more money to tie up a court with. Unfortunately, I think Lik-sang'll get killed in this.
In other news: so, Microsoft is banning all modified X-boxes from their "X-box Live" service. This is fantastic news to every company who is in the business of selling used X-boxes, as instantly the value of the things went from about $179.00 to $0.00 in the matter of a single day. Who the FUCK would buy a used X-box now? Actually, some poor schmoe who didn't know any better, most likely. This guy, most likely somebody's dad, I feel bad for.
The recent discussions all over the web has fueled my hatred for my fellow gamers to a degree that I didn't previously think was possible. Here are the types of people that I cannot fucking stand through all this:
o The Cocksucking, Toe-The-Company-Line, Brainwashed Fuckers. "Hey, *my* X-box works fine! Nyah-ha! I didn't mod it! Course, it's more that I *can't* mod it because I lack the fucking wit to solder on a few wires, but through this I have a form of scoreboard over those that are much more competent than me from a hardware standpoint! EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY, DAWG!!"
o The fuckers whining about how they just mod their X-boxes to play imports. Shut the fuck up. Nobody believes you.
o The little worms out telling people to go get an X-box to mod and an X-box to use on Live. Now, keep in mind -- someone actually out doing this out of their own volition I don't have a problem with. But these little shits suggesting that people drop $400 on a damn video game system do not have a worthwhile opinion.
o The Guy Who Just Loses It Over The Possibility That Someone May Be Wallhacking Him. Again, another person who feels somewhat righteous over all this for no good reason. Where are the fucking modifications and hacks to X-box games? OH. RIGHT. THEY DO NOT EXIST. There's not a fucking program out there called "cheat_at_halo.exe" that people with open X-boxes are running. But because such a thing just might be possible in the future, they are attempting to desperately grab some moral high ground and shake their fingers at anyone with a screwdriver and coil of solder wire. Fuck them for being so fucking paranoid.
Once again I am filled with digust for the many different kinds of people who play regularly console games. Whenever they have to rise to the occasion and comport themselves with a little bit of solidarity against the ridiculous practices of the box manufacturers that they so lovingly cock-mouth, they utterly and completely fail. These aren't people I want to be lumped with or remotely associated with.
Anyway, Lik-sang is mad as hell and not going to take it any more:
I wish them the best, and would much prefer to live in a world where a large corporation cannot shut a small business down because they have more money to tie up a court with. Unfortunately, I think Lik-sang'll get killed in this.
In other news: so, Microsoft is banning all modified X-boxes from their "X-box Live" service. This is fantastic news to every company who is in the business of selling used X-boxes, as instantly the value of the things went from about $179.00 to $0.00 in the matter of a single day. Who the FUCK would buy a used X-box now? Actually, some poor schmoe who didn't know any better, most likely. This guy, most likely somebody's dad, I feel bad for.
The recent discussions all over the web has fueled my hatred for my fellow gamers to a degree that I didn't previously think was possible. Here are the types of people that I cannot fucking stand through all this:
o The Cocksucking, Toe-The-Company-Line, Brainwashed Fuckers. "Hey, *my* X-box works fine! Nyah-ha! I didn't mod it! Course, it's more that I *can't* mod it because I lack the fucking wit to solder on a few wires, but through this I have a form of scoreboard over those that are much more competent than me from a hardware standpoint! EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY, DAWG!!"
o The fuckers whining about how they just mod their X-boxes to play imports. Shut the fuck up. Nobody believes you.
o The little worms out telling people to go get an X-box to mod and an X-box to use on Live. Now, keep in mind -- someone actually out doing this out of their own volition I don't have a problem with. But these little shits suggesting that people drop $400 on a damn video game system do not have a worthwhile opinion.
o The Guy Who Just Loses It Over The Possibility That Someone May Be Wallhacking Him. Again, another person who feels somewhat righteous over all this for no good reason. Where are the fucking modifications and hacks to X-box games? OH. RIGHT. THEY DO NOT EXIST. There's not a fucking program out there called "cheat_at_halo.exe" that people with open X-boxes are running. But because such a thing just might be possible in the future, they are attempting to desperately grab some moral high ground and shake their fingers at anyone with a screwdriver and coil of solder wire. Fuck them for being so fucking paranoid.
Once again I am filled with digust for the many different kinds of people who play regularly console games. Whenever they have to rise to the occasion and comport themselves with a little bit of solidarity against the ridiculous practices of the box manufacturers that they so lovingly cock-mouth, they utterly and completely fail. These aren't people I want to be lumped with or remotely associated with.