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RAM & Morrowind
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 5:27 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Morrowind.... hmm, how can you put this nicely. It runs like utter shit on most systems out there, especially at a higher resolutions. I should almost not even bother, since I have a Pentium III 800, but I do.
Previously I had 384MB of PC-133 SDRAM in my computer. As of today I have 768MB of PC-133 SDRAM in it. I had heard rumors that Morrowind runs a lot smoother with gobs of RAM, and since I am not particularly trying to keep anyone in suspense, the short of it is: it does. For those of you with newer systems and wuth gobs of DDR RAM, I can only imagine the frame rates you are getting.
Here's the thing though: not only is every component in my computer except the video card and DVD-ROM practically a legacy device, but I am running Windows 98 SE as well. W98 SE does not handle RAM above the size of 512MB very well. Before I did the trick I am about to explain, I would load Morrowind when 768MB was in my computer and it would crash to the desktop. I'd take a single stick out (and be at 512MB) and it would not crash, but instead properly load. Here's what I had to do:
W98SE has a file called "system.ini". Bring it up in a text editor and search for the string "[vcache]" (without quotes). Add the following right under that string:
... this is apparently the way to get Windows to play nice with that much (768MB) of RAM. This is not necessary for RAM values under 512MB, I should mention. Also, as I am a second-year dental student, my mind of course as a scientific bent. I wondered why my MaxFileCache is at 512MB and not 768MB. I couldn't get an answer as to "why," but all reports on Google Groups indicate that it should be around 75% of your maximum amount of RAM. Which that value is close enough to.
At a resolution of 1024x768, I was getting at most 19 frames per second from Morrowind while outside, while doing a 360 degree spin, and when I had the graphical draw distance set to its medium level. At 768MB of RAM under the same settings I was up to the low 30s. Keen!
Also, to anyone whose ass is in the know: What frame rate is this thing running at for the X-box version? The X-box has, what, a GeForce2 and a 733mhz processor? I know the resolution is 640x480 and all, but is the thing locked at 60fps?
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 6:27 am
by Lex
The "custom Nvidia chip" is somewhere between the Geforce 1 & GeForce 2. Because you need a HDTV to res-up any games, all games out right now use the generic TV-resolution; I don't know the framerate just now, but when I get a chip at christmas and copy it to the harddrive, it should run faster than it does on unchipped boxes. I'll keep you posted.
I know that those graphics sound crap, but c'mon, it's a CONSOLE. The Xbox II is the first console that's gonna be SOTA when it comes out (with GeForce TX III tech-onboard). 2.1Ghz too. That's enough for a little box sitting under your telle.
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 4:41 pm
by Jack Straw
Er, no, it's between a GF2 and 3.
And Morrowind runs nice. I'm not sure on exact framerate but I didn't notice any slowdown for the short amount of time I played it. And that was off of a CD, "backup" even.
Just to put it in perspective, it ran WAY better than my 1gig geforce2mx, but my xp 1700+ gf4ti4200 runs it slightly smoother. As should be expected, I guess. For the most part I was amazed at how well it ran compared to the PC version though.
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2002 5:46 pm
by Morroworm
My runs fine (Remember I played Daggerfall first and am used to the slow down) on my 333 mhz Celeron and Radeon 8500 182mb I have 224 mb of RAM.
I don't see the big problem ... The game was so enthralling I barely noticed the slow down.
Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2002 4:27 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Sweet Ratchet Five! You're running Morrowind on a 333 Celeron?? Be you angels? Nay! We are but men!
What resolution are you running? 160x180?
Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2002 5:04 am
by Lex
Said Captain Legacy, cradling his Win98SE machine.
Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2002 3:15 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
That I may be, but I have more RAM in my system right now than in all my other, previous systems combined.
Granted, it's PC-133, but if you get enough of it, it's said that your dick gets bigger.
Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2002 3:57 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Sweet Ratchet Five! You're running Morrowind on a 333 Celeron?? Be you angels? Nay! We are but men!
What resolution are you running? 160x180?
1024 x 768 runs at about 5-10 fps outside (View distance on max because it looks pretty). Inside I get about 30.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:W98SE has a file called "system.ini". Bring it up in a text editor and search for the string "[vcache]" (without quotes). Add the following right under that string:
Hehe "has a file called system.ini" I would hope everyone would know that typing "sysedit" in the run box will access you to all system files. Furthermore I'm guesing [vcache] is even in Win95 but I know it is in normal Win98.
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 12:26 am
by Morroworm
Yes I have reappeared to ask you things.
What does the +/- for Vsync and Hsync mean?
Will going from 1024 x 768 too 800 x 600 make a big difference? What about 640 x 480?
View distance shouldn't matter.
Do I really need a one hundred dollar cooling kit to take my 333 mhz processor up to 433 mhz?
Why does my mouse randomly alternate from cursor to hour glass sometimes?
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:36 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Morroworm wrote:Yes I have reappeared to ask you things.
What does the +/- for Vsync and Hsync mean?
Vsync ought to eliminate tearing. Not sure what the + or - means, as I am under the impression that Vsync is an on/off type of feature.
Microsoft demands that drivers not support Vsync for a reason unknown to me. You can enable it in your video drivers on some cards, though.
Will going from 1024 x 768 too 800 x 600 make a big difference? What about 640 x 480?
In terms of it running faster? Yes, this should definitely help. At 640x480 Morrowind screams right along, even on my system. Heh.
View distance shouldn't matter.
In terms of the frame rate you're getting, I would think that it would... if you decrease the view distance, the game is less concerned about making a tree ten miles away look good, and can concentrate on what is in front of you. This is why the frame rate goes right up when all of us are inside a building.
Do I really need a one hundred dollar cooling kit to take my 333 mhz processor up to 433 mhz?
Probably not. Back in the day, my friends and I were running our 300mhz Celerons at 464mhz. This was with a jumperless motherboard that didn't care what we set it to do, it simply did what it was told. Those were the days.
The 333 might be less inclined to be overclocked, but I wouldn't spend any money on a cooling system like that, especially since for $100 you are approaching what you can buy an AMD chip and motherboard for.
Why does my mouse randomly alternate from cursor to hour glass sometimes?
Your mouse is infected with the gypsy virus. FUCKING GYPSIES! No, I am not sure why it does this. It does this in Windows, and not Morrowind, right? If it is doing it in Windows then something is kicking about in the background. I don't think it makes the hourglass appear when you are shuffling about virtual memory. Offhand, it'd be tough to say, but if you get a chance, ensure that nothing is running from startup that you don't want by File->Run->msconfig
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2002 7:41 pm
by Worm
Vsync ought to eliminate tearing. Not sure what the + or - means, as I am under the impression that Vsync is an on/off type of feature.
Microsoft demands that drivers not support Vsync for a reason unknown to me. You can enable it in your video drivers on some cards, though.
Nah, you don't quite get it. Under my setup options I can configure my Vertical Sync and Horizontal Sync to a plus sign or minus sign which effects my little monitor menu.
In terms of it running faster? Yes, this should definitely help. At 640x480 Morrowind screams right along, even on my system. Heh.
Everything from 640x480 to 1152 x 864 runs around 8-11 fps inside and a solid 5 fps anywhere outside.
Probably not. Back in the day, my friends and I were running our 300mhz Celerons at 464mhz. This was with a jumperless motherboard that didn't care what we set it to do, it simply did what it was told. Those were the days.
The 333 might be less inclined to be overclocked, but I wouldn't spend any money on a cooling system like that, especially since for $100 you are approaching what you can buy an AMD chip and motherboard for.
I bought the bare bones system with the 333 about four years ago so I am guessing it isn't much different than your old one.
Your mouse is infected with the gypsy virus. FUCKING GYPSIES! No, I am not sure why it does this. It does this in Windows, and not Morrowind, right? If it is doing it in Windows then something is kicking about in the background. I don't think it makes the hourglass appear when you are shuffling about virtual memory. Offhand, it'd be tough to say, but if you get a chance, ensure that nothing is running from startup that you don't want by File->Run->msconfig
Hah, it does show up sometimes in Morrowind. I'm a drwatson junkie I make sure only systray, and the RUNDLL power profiles load up on start. I've been editing my registry shit loads lately.