Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and ACK 2.5
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:36 pm
Yo, it's been awhile, sorry bout that, but CoC: DCotE got me sucked in.. Peeps don't like it alot, but I think it stays true to the stories of HP Lovecraft...
This is for Mr. Hopkins, THANKS for updating the ACK! I been trying to use it for my own gaming purposes, and you are an awesome coder dude! Nowhere on the internet are places that have a simple RPG Maker, like yours. No brown nosing, for I say it how it is! ^_^
I found this jewel online like 6 years ago. Sure there's IRE, but that 's hardcore scripting... Hephaestus is very daunting, for you have to know JAVA... Nazghul is decent, but you have to know LUA. Yes I know, there's scripting in ACK, but not to the cosmic proportions like that of IRE...
Well I am outta, thanks again peeps for supporting Mr. Hopkins to inspire him to bring forth better versions of ACK, and thanks again Mr. Hopkins for creating the coolest game maker I have ever saw!
This is for Mr. Hopkins, THANKS for updating the ACK! I been trying to use it for my own gaming purposes, and you are an awesome coder dude! Nowhere on the internet are places that have a simple RPG Maker, like yours. No brown nosing, for I say it how it is! ^_^
I found this jewel online like 6 years ago. Sure there's IRE, but that 's hardcore scripting... Hephaestus is very daunting, for you have to know JAVA... Nazghul is decent, but you have to know LUA. Yes I know, there's scripting in ACK, but not to the cosmic proportions like that of IRE...
Well I am outta, thanks again peeps for supporting Mr. Hopkins to inspire him to bring forth better versions of ACK, and thanks again Mr. Hopkins for creating the coolest game maker I have ever saw!