I think he makes a number of good and well-reasoned points.
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:28 am
by Jack Straw
Good points, sure, but instead of going through all the time of making the video, posting it, and transcribing the whole thing on his "blog", he could have been playing Orange Box on Xbox (which does not require you to be connected to the internet)
how does he even play ANY game (oops I mean "utilize any computer program") with eyes that look in two different directions?
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:47 am
by Worm
You can run steam offline.
EDIT: What a retard. I mean there were issues with steam's offline mode awhile back, but not anymore. I have steam on my older brother's computer in a constant offline mode so he can play my version of Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword.
Honestly, am I the only guy ever who understands how things work?
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:25 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm wrote:Honestly, am I the only guy ever who understands how things work?
He said he did that blog post / video blog well before he could upload it to the Internet. So, at that point, it was not well known that you could run HL2 and such in "offline" mode.
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:59 pm
by Worm
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:So, at that point, it was not well known that you could run HL2 and such in "offline" mode.
At that point? You mean the point being four months ago when The Orange Box was released? That's fucking absurd, the Steam system has prompted people about offline mode for awhile now. Maybe he bought them in the store without an Internet connection? I guess that's a fair complaint, but you think he'd say something that hints at that, right?
I don't know if this guy is some IF folk hero or something, but maybe all the coding in TADs has rotted his fucking brain out. Because I'm pretty sure the last time offline mode was really a problem was like 2004.
This guy is just late on the screeching about Valve train, and if he's bitching about this and a text game guy that's a laugh. Because rare is the text game that doesn't require a fucking online FAQ.
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:33 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Mike Roberts is the guy who developed TADS. This isn't a text game thing.
Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:33 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I got a 360 last month and have been playing the Orange Box games, and what can I say, the Half-Life games have made a complete Valve fanboy out of me. I did not expect to enjoy these games as much as I did (I always thought the first Half-Life was sort of atmospherically dry).
Jack Straw wrote:Good points, sure, but instead of going through all the time of making the video, posting it, and transcribing the whole thing on his "blog", he could have been playing Orange Box on Xbox (which does not require you to be connected to the internet)
And I'm supposed to pay yet another $300 for a game system I'm not interested in and has no games I want to play on it?
Jack Straw wrote:how does he even play ANY game (oops I mean "utilize any computer program") with eyes that look in two different directions?
I happen to be blind in one eye, and was born that way. I happen to have a drivers' license - and have had one for thirty-one years - so my vision must be at least adequate to drive.
Paul Robinson - paul@paul-robinson.us - My Blog
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:48 pm
by Tdarcos
Worm wrote:You can run steam offline.
No you could not. I tried. More than once. Every time I tried to run anything from the Orange Box, it informed me that the game was busy and could not run.
Worm wrote:
EDIT: What a retard. I mean there were issues with steam's offline mode awhile back, but not anymore. I have steam on my older brother's computer in a constant offline mode so he can play my version of Civilization 4 Beyond the Sword.
Well, the funny thing was the instant my Internet connection worked, Steam worked again. So perhaps at the time I created the video, Steam would not allow me to run it off-line. That this might have changed since then does not negate the point that it would not work at that time.
Paul Robinson - paul@paul-robinson.us - My Blog
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:29 am
by Roody_Yogurt
Hey Paul, just want to say it's good to have you posting here. I look forward to hearing your opinions on new and old topics.
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:36 am
by Draal Ranger
Its always funny watching people become riled about some item, idea, or substance. Even funnier watching groups form around said thing, and as the individuals usually do, create an environment where their own opinions and thoughts become magically endowed with "Great Reason." Oddly, they basically scream for five minutes about how horrible something is, and then they want everyone to read about how horrible said thing is, while then wanting everyone to be aware of said horrible thing so they can have a point of reference to bitch about.
Always humorous to hear this, when basically only those who made say, an oft criticize game or novel actually have any idea about the process involved (but then only when confronted and forced into a corner to give a "story"), then it is just a few people who don't have anything else to expand themselves except picking over details and propagating their own ideas so they can somehow feel justified in pretending to be experts because their version has "Become Truth."
So... Ha-ha... Blogs... The internet... Congratulations everyone and Mr. Robinson; instead of becoming a creator, inspiring and being a person of thought and consideration who stood aside and brought about something great and grand, you've just boiled down your existence to bitching about a service/product/thought/idea that you had no hand in, that you only use in a general sense, and can only influence if those who create it actually listen to your bitching.
You've limited yourself to what other people do, and have created a universe where you must continually analyze and critique their responses and in so doing, have straddled yourself to their wheel; their pace of thought and innovation.
Now everyone; KEEP POSTING!
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:21 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I'd really appreciate it if people didn't try to run off every single new poster that comes to this site. It's going on in another thread Paul posted to as well so I'm not trying to single anyone out. It happens EVERY FUCKING TIME someone new drops by this place and I'm sick of it. You guys know I'm sick of it, but don't have enough respect for me to refrain from doing it anyway.
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:59 pm
by co
I'm just looking for time management advice. Between my two jobs and the demanding chick, I can't imagine maintaining a system to manage and organize relevant quotes to contribute when posting to forums. It would sure help drive traffic to my nonexistent blog if I did though.
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:11 pm
by Vitriola
Draal Ranger wrote:Its always funny watching people become riled about some item, idea, or substance.
You've limited yourself to what other people do, and have created a universe where you must continually analyze and critique their responses and in so doing, have straddled yourself to their wheel; their pace of thought and innovation.
I completely agree with you! And since you post these little 'critiques' of your own on this board bi-weekly at least, does this mean our little wheel tumbles with you alongside?
Shit, did I just make a 'what does that make YOU' comment?
Fuck me.
Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:40 pm
by bruce
Vitriola wrote:Fuck me.
Whenever, wherever, whichever orifice, babe.
But I think Robb might be a little upset.
Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:15 pm
by Worm
Tdarcos wrote:Well, the funny thing was the instant my Internet connection worked, Steam worked again. So perhaps at the time I created the video, Steam would not allow me to run it off-line. That this might have changed since then does not negate the point that it would not work at that time.
Yeah, I'm constantly jacked in so I really don't have room for comparison. It could have been orange box only, but I just remember this whole "NO OFFLINE" debacle from awhile ago and have my older brother playing a load of my steam games in offline mode so he doesn't have to purchase them.