This renewed my faith in video games
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2002 9:34 am
Lex just sent this to me:
Aside from the fact that it will probably get the chubby little chuds out into the sunlight, this is just a great idea. Wow.
New GBA game to include sunlight sensor
ยป And it's from the man behind Metal Gear.
News | Wednesday, November 27, 2002 | Danny Dormer [Staff Writer]
Hideo Kojima, the mastermind behind the Metal Gear Solid series, has revealed his newest project for the Game Boy Advance, entitled My Sun.
My Sun will have a sensor attached to the top of the cartridge to measure the light intensity in a given area. The amount of light sensed will influence the environments in the game.
Certain points in the game will need more or less sunlight to access, and early details include a mention of vampires making an appearance, vampires who will undoubtedly be affected by the amount of light in an area.
No details were given on a release date.
Aside from the fact that it will probably get the chubby little chuds out into the sunlight, this is just a great idea. Wow.