Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Wait a second, I don't understand any of this. They put the Apple on a card, that I understand. I think! But then, this went into a Macintosh you bought for ten bucks? What the?
I think we need some photos here.
I'll take some tomorrow.
But, yeah.
I went down to Gateway Electronics, and I said, "Hey, Doug, I need a Mac LC II to run this new toy in."
And he said, "I haven't got an LC II, but I have this LC 550. How's ten bucks sound?"
And I said, "Sold."
Place is FULL of shit like that.
Tell you what.
It's almost time we started thinking of a Classic Gaming Expo St. Louis this year.
It'll be like going to Vegas, except WAY WAY cheaper. We have room for Robb and Dayna in the guest bedroom, and we can put Jon on the fold-out couch in the den. If there are more people we can do something with air mattresses and sleeping bags.
Then we can go to Gateway Electronics, Electronics Exchange, Trade-N-Games (which has--or had last time I was in there a few years ago--a good classic gaming section), and whatever-that-store-out-in-St.-Charles-is-that-has-classic-games-but-reeks-of-cigarette-smoke.
We can play pretty much any classic video game on the MAME cabinet.
And I can make drinks, as I have lots of liquor. That will be cheaper than Vegas too.
If people
really need to gamble, we can go to Lumiere Place, or the Missisippi Queen, or the President Casino, or Harrah's (er, maybe that's what the Queen has become though), or, well, there are several places.
Plus if the mood strikes us, pen-and-paper RPGing.