Grand Theft Auto III is still hell of fun
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:00 pm
I reinstalled Grand Theft Auto III today in a fit of nostalgia. Turns out the game is still fun as shit after all these years. I'm not sure where the difference lies, but it's vastly more fun and satisfying to go on a hilarious violent rampage in this game than in any of the others (barring IV which I have yet to play. I bought it on release day despite not owning a console on which to play it because I am a moron). Stealing a taxi and mowing down a dozen or so pedestrians until the police object to my behavior, at which point I begin the Homicide Shuffle of switching from cop car to cop car in an effort to delay my inevitable death at the hands of a SWAT van or police helicopter.
I was thirteen when GTA3 was originally released, and my mother forbade me from purchasing it. As a result, by the time I finally played a GTA game I knew all about the structure of the game. Sometimes, though, I like to start a new game and play GTA3 as if I had no idea how open-world games worked, having had prior experience with more traditionally linear games. It must have been mind-boggling in 2001 for the average gamer to be dumped on the sidewalk and given what is essentially a huge violent Hot Wheels set to play with forever.
I was thirteen when GTA3 was originally released, and my mother forbade me from purchasing it. As a result, by the time I finally played a GTA game I knew all about the structure of the game. Sometimes, though, I like to start a new game and play GTA3 as if I had no idea how open-world games worked, having had prior experience with more traditionally linear games. It must have been mind-boggling in 2001 for the average gamer to be dumped on the sidewalk and given what is essentially a huge violent Hot Wheels set to play with forever.