Top 25 games at E3 2008

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Top 25 games at E3 2008

Post by AArdvark »

All I want to point out here is that the majority of these games are sequels. This means more of the same. Now, remember, in another post I proclaimed that I am not a gamer so the value of my opinion must be taken with a box of salt.

1] Left for Dead

2] Gears of War II

3] Fallout 3

4] Resident Evil 5

5] Guitar Hero 4 (world tour)

6] Fable II

7] Prince of Persia

8] LittleBigPlanet

9] End War

13] Dragons Age: Origins

14] Halo Wars

15] Dead Space

16] Star Wars: Force unleashed

17] Spore

18] Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

19] Mirror's Edge

20] Banjo-Kazooie

21] Resistance 2

22] Call of Duty

23] Street Fighter IV

24] Borderlands

25] Killzone 2

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Post by Roody_Yogurt »

I'm actually quite intrigued with Borderlands.

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