Humanity is overrated
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:34 pm
IT's hilarious really. People ask me why I am a misanthrope. Usually it only takes me about five minutes to not only make them understand why but subscribe to my way of thinking whole-heartedly. It's a sick game that I take far too much pleasure in.
Now, however, I can increase efficiency; instead of a five-minute explanation, I can simply use this link, and wait thirty seconds while they read the following news article. As long as every person referred to in this article remains alive, justice is an ilusion. ... _girl.html
Yes it does.
The girl's parents, are attempting to sue DHS.
No more words.
Now, however, I can increase efficiency; instead of a five-minute explanation, I can simply use this link, and wait thirty seconds while they read the following news article. As long as every person referred to in this article remains alive, justice is an ilusion. ... _girl.html
Does it get better?The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote:Danieal Kelly died of starvation in 2006 at age 14. Her mother did not call an ambulance for her until after she died, the grand jury found. Her body was found with maggots crawling in bedsores. Prosecutors charged that nine people, including the girl's parents and four social workers, stood by while Danieal Kelly, who had cerebral palsy, starved
to death.
Yes it does.
The girl's parents, are attempting to sue DHS.
No more words.