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Is the HVAC fucked where you work?
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:37 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I am honestly curious! If it even gets cloudy where I work, the heat comes on. It also comes on routinely during the summer. The air conditioning goes off at 6:00 pm on the dot during the summer, which is hilarious because the sun is at an angle where it heats up the entire building. Also - and I swear I am not making this up - we had multiple incidents of the "thermostat":
1) Not working
2) Being set for reverse (i.e., you try to cool down the room and you're adding heat)
3) Not working by design (the landlords don't want to give the workers the ability to change the temperature) but the little control boxes are there anyway
How fucked is this? I know Ben has had some difficulties in California, where the best thing would be to let people open a window, but it's depressingly hilarious to me that we're all spending eight to ten hours a day in these open office buildings with completely moronic temperature controls.
But maybe it's just the two office buildings I've worked in, in the Worst Place On Earth: The Denver Tech Center.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:30 am
by pinback
Yes, our HVAC is completely screwed, which is hilarious for the reason you point out, that here in Santa Monica, the temperature is always perfect outside.
Inside these offices, though, it will either be:
1. Blisteringly hot.
2. Minus a thousand.
3. Hot in 4 out of 5 offices, but fucking freezing in the conference room.
We have an 11:30 meeting every day. We used to use the conference room for this. Now we just stand around in a communal area. Nobody uses the conference room anymore. BECAUSE IT'S ALWAYS 40 DEGREES IN THERE.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:33 am
by joe mengele
yeah, i've noticed it gets a bit balmy at work sometimes.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:06 pm
by AArdvark
We simply open all the overhead garage doors when it gets too hot in the shop, which is pretty much every day in the summer. So it's like working in a breezeway. This bit of cool weather in the mornings is a nice relief. Winter is usually lined long sleeve shirts as the thermometer SAYS it's 65 but really the temperature is in the neighborhood of 'meat locker'.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:18 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
ahhh... always glad to have the perspective of THE NAZIS
(crumples paper)
No clones, I don't want to hear your takes about the heating, ventilation and air conditioning, all coming from POL POT
(fifteen second pause)
"Dear Jim. I find working conditions to be nice, if sometimes a bit breezy. Signed,
Nguyễn Ngọc Loan" AGGGG, Clones! I thought I made myself clear!
(crumples paper)
(twenty second pause)
I don't want your takes from the Devil, thank you. I thought we could perhaps have an adult discussion about the ol' work environment, but I should have known better, thanks to the Clones.
(inexplicable two minute pause)
(repeats what he just said verbatim)
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:53 pm
by aardvark guest
logged in on the wii. hows that am talk radio going for ya
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:26 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:30 pm
by loafergirl
In every office I have ever worked in.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:30 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Seriously, the only people that I know that don't have this screwed up system are, like cowboys. Why are we, the American working class, putting up with this shit? Well, probably because complaining about it in any sense other than a BBS would mean taking time away from shopping for discount electronics. But I don't want this thread to end, because we sort of had some good posts here and I think we could build on that for the future, all of us?