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The SuperAuctions in Colorado

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:16 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
... is next month! Here is the game list. NOBODY I KNOW WROTE THE GAME LIST. Nice to see "Wizard of War" make an appearance. (It is "Wizard of Wor," but everyone always gets that wrong.)

I am going to put it in a DOUBLE layer of quotes so none of you think I wrote this shit myself.
Video Games
Millipede Atari
Galaga Namco
Radar Scope Cocktail Table Nintendo
Zaxxon Cocktail Table Sega
Ms. Pacman Cocktail Table Bally/Namco
Ms. Pacman Cocktail Table Bally/Namco
Pacman Cocktail Table Bally/Namco
Super Pacman Cocktail Table Bally/Namco
Centipede Cocktail Table Atari
Centipede Cocktail Table Atari
Centipede Atari
Ivan Man Super Off Road Lealand
Pole Position Atari
Luniar Rescue Taito
Wizard of War Bally
Tempist Atari
Tron Bally/Midway
Tron Bally/Midway
Stargate Williams
Defender Williams
Ms. Pacman full size Bally/Midway
Strata Bowl Strata
Donkey Kong Jr. Nintendo
Donkey Kong Jr. Nintendo
Sub Roc 3d Sega
StarWars Atari
1942 Capcom
Galaga Bally/Namco
Astroids Atari
Cruisn' USA Midway
Cruisn' USA Midway
Rush The Rock Alcatraz Atari
Multicade Williams
Video Pinball Atari
Sharp Shooter
Dartboard Steel Tip
Golden Tee 2003 I.T.
NFL Blitz 2000 Midway
NBA Jam Midway
Cyber Sled Namco
Operation Thunderbolt Taito
Turbo Outrun Sega
Sky Shark Romstar
Cowboys of Moo Mesa
Top Skater 50" Sega
Afterburner Sega
Neo Geo 2 Slot
Capcom Bowling Capcom
Tekken 3 Namco
Terminator 2 Midway
Primal Rage Atari
Neo Geo 2 Slot Neo Geo
Nintendo Cocktail Playchoice 10

48 in 1 Multicade
Vindicators Atari
X-Men Children of the Atom Capcom
Gun Force
Gauntlet Legends Atari
Trukey Hunting Sammy
Deer Hunting Sammy
Rev X Midway
Die Hard Sega
Lethal Enforcers 2 Konami
Mortal Kombat 2 Midway
Space Gun Taito
Golden Tee 2005 I.T.
Golden Tee 2005 I.T.
PGA Tour Champion Edition Global VR
Hydro Thunder Midway
Silver Strike Bowling I.T.
Big Buck Hunter I.T.
Area 51 Atari
Gauntlet Legends Atari
Neo Geo
Viper Phase 1
Golden Tee 2K I.T.
Cruisn' World Midway
Cruisn' World Midway
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Capcom
Battlezone Atari
Carnevil Midway
Time Crisis 1 Namco
Police 911 2 Konami
Hang-On Sega
Super Pacman Midway/namco
Silent Scope Konami

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:48 pm
by cleverlyj
so what are your plans? wanna carpool up there? i can fit a game in my trailblazer. i'm going thinking of grabbing a galaga, (assuming my broke ass plan of paying next to nothing works...), but realistically, i'll most likely have no luck and be able to fit a game in there....


Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:50 pm
by cleverlyj
oh, i forgot to say. i basically have jack shit going on, so i plan on being there all day...

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:32 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
cleverlyj wrote:so what are your plans? wanna carpool up there? i can fit a game in my trailblazer. i'm going thinking of grabbing a galaga, (assuming my broke ass plan of paying next to nothing works...), but realistically, i'll most likely have no luck and be able to fit a game in there....

Jim!!!! Glad to see you here! Sorry the place has become a completely abandoned website, I got sideswiped with Fallout 3 and stuff.

I was thinking of not going, only because I had a $300 plumber bill (along with dry wall repair) crop up on Monday. I am also fairly out of space and have no transportation.

However, on the other side of the equation, I am a complete sucker for arcade games, and it may be years before there is another auction out here. And yeah, I love me some Wizard of Wor and even if that gets snatched up by somebody, this is my big chance to get a Williams cab for jrok's board.

OK, lemme sort through all this when I get out of work and see what I can swing - yeah, it would be cool to hang out and just experience the auction even if I do not get anything.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:57 pm
by cleverlyj
you've definitely gotta go. i was thinking about not going, but, it's probably gonna be a long time before we see this again, as it's not a general auction, but bob from paradise unloading a bunch of extra shit he has.

you know, i didn't see those williams games on there. i'd be down for some defender or stargate love. i'm just hoping i can get something for less than say, $150 or so, as i'm com-fuckin-pletely broke. if you do get that wizard of wor that'd be cool. i think that's a game that a whole lot of people won't be bidding on, so you might have a chance on it...

so here's the new list of stuff for me:

defender or stargate.

now, if i'm completely unlucky, i think i'll go to that restaurant and offer the guy $100 for that galaga cocktail. i'm jonesin for a game, been too long since i got one. i'm sure he won't take it, as he's a crazy mexican, but you never know...

as far as the auction goes, you can ride with me if you want. i'm gonna get there around 8 or so, or whatever time everyone thinks is a good time to meet up and go over stuff...


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:45 pm
by Flack
Even if you don't go to buy anything, you all should definitely go. I have been to many SuperAuctions events in the past and they are always fun.

I haven't looked up the details for this specific auction, but generally speaking the auctions start around 10am with a two hour preview before the auction begins. During those two hours you pretty much have cart blanch to plug in, test and play games at will. So like I said, even if you aren't going to buy, that part can still be fun.

I've grabbed some crazy good deals from SuperAuctions in the past. My experience has been, the longer you're willing to stay the cheaper things eventually get.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:16 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I should have gone, but I definitely would have purchased some stuff if I did. The Wizard of Wor went for $200! Arrrgh! Ah well, ... well, there is no "ah well" as the thing is un-emulate-able for me, since I am going to drop jrok's Multi-Williams kit in as my last cab.

I must now begin the process of getting a, hopefully empty, horizontal cab. I bought a Robotron marquee months ago, and it would be great if I could drop that in and paint the empty cab to look like a Robotron.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:35 pm
by Flack
Maaaaan ... I all but gave away a baseball game that was in a beautiful Robotron cabinet. I thought about putting that same Multi-Williams board into it but I set a limits to projects like that. If they don't move forward within a year, sell the cab and move on.