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"The Other Side" with your host Ice Cream Jonsey!

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 4:38 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Well, my vacation is half over and it feels like I haven't even accomplished anything yet. But don't let my lack of personal accomplishments get ya down or anything. It also means that you've only got to top this:

12/18: Flew into lovely downtown Rochester, New York! Saw LOTR: TTT!!

12/19: Slept, plus went to Manheim, Pennsylvania!

12/20: Got aforementioned stomach virus, left Manheim, Pennsylvania!

12/21: Played the worst Quake mod ever, saw Loafergirl, Aardvark, and a bunch of guys who never visit here!

12/22: Got sick again, found out that the Saints lost to the Bengals, built my father an AMD Athlon XP 1700 computer!

12/23: So far, I worked on my video game and didn't break any bones! Also realized that my BBS is almost in a complete freefall of abandonment, so I am here trying to scour my brain and figure out how the hell I add some content to it, and why I end every sentence with an exclaimation mark as of late!



Other than stating that the character of Gollum from LOTR:TTT has ruined the word "precious" forever more throughout the whole of history... I've got nothing.

See you on... the other side!!

You need to get a buuuttttt fer yer asssssssssssssss

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 5:21 pm
by milkunits
I promise I will get those pics to ya!

How much does first place pay in FF?

Bring it.


Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 8:07 pm
by AArdvark
Just got back from LOTR yesterday. Should have waited an hour and gone to see it on the IMAX. Visuals are awesome!
Didn't care for the CGI Golem tho, but how else ya gonna do it? Think maybe it's time to dust off the books in the attic and re-read the series again, just to catch the smalll stuff I missed. three hours long and I can't wait for the next one to come out. Balls!


Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 8:21 pm
by Debaser
Did no one but me spend this weekend seeing Adaptation? Philistines.

Nah, it looks like I might end up seeing TT tomorrow, because there's nothing like a greedy little pissant in a loincloth chasing after a bunch of midgets with a gold ring to get one in the proper mood for the holidays.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 8:23 pm
I think i'll see it and nemesis on my CHRISTMAS BREAK AHAHRHRHAHRHARH!

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 9:19 pm
by summer break kid
i have nought to live for. woe is me.

Re: You need to get a buuuttttt fer yer asssssssssssssss

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2002 10:46 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Milker! Didn't see your post before today, buddy!
milkunits wrote:I promise I will get those pics to ya!
Hey, no problem, bud! After all, it wasn't like I was trying to get the thing out before the end of the calendar year or anything. Ha! Ha-ha! No, no worries, no prob, I entered it into a competition that's not for a while yet. Ah! Ah-ha!

How much does first place pay in FF?
How much does first place pay in Fantasy Football this year? Good question. Was it a 300 / 100 split this year? I think that was it. Ah! Ah! Ah!

Good to see you here, buddy. Hope you had a great Christmas and that you got what you need. You know what you need? A butt for your ass! Yeah! Ah! Ah!