The Multi Q*bert Kit
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:53 pm
Here is the latest update on that:
I was #2 on the list, so I will let everyone know how it goes when it is installed!We are done with the PCB layout and it’s at the fabricator, set to arrive on Friday the 21st. I will be working all weekend to ship on Monday the 24th. Since we are on a quick turn-around and all the parts are in process, you can send in the balance of $165 via Paypal to: (deleted).
I’ll record the payments and ship kits & shirts in the order payments are received.
I’m pleased to announce the bonus game that is included: Tylz
It’s a Mylstar game that never made it out of prototype in 1984 that just happens to use a diagonal joystick like Q*bert. The code was recovered from a set of boards that a pinball collector purchased at auction, unfortunately the sound ROM was erased before it could be copied so Q*bert sounds have been coded for it by Dave. More info and a screenshot is at: ... il&id=3430