gives us an "F" this year.
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 4:51 pm
From here -- ... 02-2.shtml
Hey, and that's without a Stiffy game in 2002! Let's all buck up and do our part for that elusive F- in 2003! Whoo-hoo!
While we understand there are independent sectors in the gaming industry, the overall grade provides a snapshot of the entire gaming field as it relates to child welfare issues. This year's grade reflects the dramatic increase in violent games and, in particular, games rewarding violence against women. Additional issues influencing this grade include questionable ratings, the growing problem of game addiction, and the continued ease with which children and youth purchase or rent adult games. The diversity of these issues touches nearly every sector of the industry. While we acknowledge an encouraging new trend in family friendly games, the overall grade is intended as a wake-up call to the industry, retailers, and parents about very disturbing trends that accelerated during 2002.
Overall grade……………………………………………………………………F
Hey, and that's without a Stiffy game in 2002! Let's all buck up and do our part for that elusive F- in 2003! Whoo-hoo!