Rule 34 Is a Great Way to Kill Off a Conversation
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:59 pm
ICJ: I am just saying, every pho place I have gone to is quick
Pinback: They do not fuck around. "YOU WANT DA FOO??" "YA!" "HERE DA FO!!!"
Pinback: this is the hardest of the hardcore. The place is huge, for a pho place. Just a big room full of asians slurping soup.
Pinback: I imagine it is what Vietnam looks like, except with fewer people with napalm scars.
ICJ: Yeah
ICJ: I always thought that was from acne
ICJ: But nobody loved the smell of monoxidyl in the morning
Pinback: Anyway, some day we will hit that shit, cuz that shit is the money.
ICJ: That would be perfect. I'd be "in".
Pinback: Right next to it is Pho 53. Know what I say to that? FUCK PHO 53.
ICJ: Why??
Pinback: Was pho 53 voted Best Pho in Denver 2007?
Pinback: WAS IT?!?!
ICJ: Uh - no?
Pinback: Yeah, that's what I thought.
ICJ: Okay!
ICJ: Was.... uh - heh, I am hesitant to ask
ICJ: Was, uh, the other place voted best?
Pinback: I saw it on some website, I think.
Pinback: If you type "best pho denver 2007" the first link is to pho 79,
ICJ: Wait, these places are really called that?
ICJ: Pho 53 and Pho 79?
Pinback: yes
Pinback: This is what most pho places are called.
Pinback: Only up in Thornton do they name them non-numbered things.
ICJ: What's Pho 34? Do you have it with a giant black dildo and someone who dresses up as Scooby Doo?
Pinback: okay, gotta go!
(Rule 34 is an Internet meme that says that anything you can imagine has been sexualized by something. Or as I like to call it, the "Rule That Lets Me Get Back to Fallout 3.")
Pinback: They do not fuck around. "YOU WANT DA FOO??" "YA!" "HERE DA FO!!!"
Pinback: this is the hardest of the hardcore. The place is huge, for a pho place. Just a big room full of asians slurping soup.
Pinback: I imagine it is what Vietnam looks like, except with fewer people with napalm scars.
ICJ: Yeah
ICJ: I always thought that was from acne
ICJ: But nobody loved the smell of monoxidyl in the morning
Pinback: Anyway, some day we will hit that shit, cuz that shit is the money.
ICJ: That would be perfect. I'd be "in".
Pinback: Right next to it is Pho 53. Know what I say to that? FUCK PHO 53.
ICJ: Why??
Pinback: Was pho 53 voted Best Pho in Denver 2007?
Pinback: WAS IT?!?!
ICJ: Uh - no?
Pinback: Yeah, that's what I thought.
ICJ: Okay!
ICJ: Was.... uh - heh, I am hesitant to ask
ICJ: Was, uh, the other place voted best?
Pinback: I saw it on some website, I think.
Pinback: If you type "best pho denver 2007" the first link is to pho 79,
ICJ: Wait, these places are really called that?
ICJ: Pho 53 and Pho 79?
Pinback: yes
Pinback: This is what most pho places are called.
Pinback: Only up in Thornton do they name them non-numbered things.
ICJ: What's Pho 34? Do you have it with a giant black dildo and someone who dresses up as Scooby Doo?
Pinback: okay, gotta go!
(Rule 34 is an Internet meme that says that anything you can imagine has been sexualized by something. Or as I like to call it, the "Rule That Lets Me Get Back to Fallout 3.")