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Any of the WIP games released?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:16 pm
by rld
With the exception of Chris's Ultima parody (which appears to be very close to release), I haven't seen any recent updates on any of the work-in-progress ACK games discussed in the forum.

Have any of these (Hallam, the Monster Madness game, or any others) been released, or are they close to release?

Even a alpha or beta release of some of these games would be useful to those of us (such as myself) who are just getting started with ACK and could use some fully fleshed-out examples for reference.

Also they looked interesting and I was hoping to get to play them at some point...hopefully these have not been abandoned.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:03 pm
by Chris H
I'm definitely hoping that they're still being worked on... I can certainly appreciate, after having spent many months working on my game, that they take quite a while to fully create. (Especially if, as I did, you keep coming up with new ideas to squeeze in -- I swear about half of my game involves side-quests that I inserted into the storyline well after I thought it was "done")

I think in the case of the Monster Madness game, JJSonick was waiting for me to implement some new features in the engine (things that have been tricky enough that I haven't been able to do anything with)

I'm also hoping someday to see WIP threads from Garth's Equipment Shop and Ice Cream Jonsey -- if they ever manage to tackle making an ACK game, I'm sure the result would be interesting. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:51 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Yeah, after I finish the text game I am working on (it's gonna be three years of my life in April, argh) I do want to hit up a small little thing in ACK. It's on the agenda!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:33 pm
by jjsonick
For the Monster Madness game issue (fire that spreads), I think I will try a brute force macro method, and see if it works/is not too slow. I just need to get around to scripting that. The rest of the game would take a little while to build out, but that's the big thing.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:56 pm
by Chris H
U4PART2 is now released... feel free to dissect the inner workings of it if you like.