Dodos are gonna come back in our life time.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Dodos are gonna come back in our life time.

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey » ... then-dies/

"Just seven minutes after Spanish and French scientists brought the Pyrenean ibex back from extinction, the young animal died of lung complications also common to other cloned animals. And so an extinct species blinked into life for an instant and then flickered out again."


"The brief birth of the ibex brought scientists a significant step closer to the seemingly impossible feat of bringing back a vanished species. It’s conceivable that someday this technology might hold the key to resurrecting a plethora of extinct and endangered species. Already, the The Zoological Society of London and the Natural History Museum are cateloging DNA samples of endangered species in what they are calling a ‘Frozen Ark.’ But until the species resurrection technology becomes a reality, conserving extant species is still so far our best hope. We may someday be able to bring a lost species back to life forever, but for now all we have is seven minutes."

Okay great, wake me when I can have the dodo in a hamburger bun. I bet they are DELICIOUS. I want to keep one as a pet and eat one.
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Chris H
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Post by Chris H »

Help yourself, man -- the Dutch settlers on Mauritius called the dodo "walgvogel" (nasty bird) because it tasted so bad. But I'd love to see if tastes have changed in the last 500 years.

And while we're on the subject... um... anyone gonna eat that ibex?

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Post by Flack »

Our destiny will not be complete until every Chinese restaurant in America offers "Raptor on a Stick".
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Post by Chris H »

Yay, then we can get snack bags of their feet, too.


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Re: Dodos are gonna come back in our life time.

Post by pinback »

Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:The brief birth of the ibex brought scientists a significant step closer to the seemingly impossible feat of bringing back a vanished species.
Am I a hero? I really can't say. But, yes.

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Post by AArdvark »

This is the tip of the iceberg leading down a slippery slope.

Maybe there are some animals that shouldn't be re..un..dis..extincted... Oh, brought back from the dead.

Not just the dinosaurs, that's a given. Nobody wants to be Raptor's Delight or a Stegosaurus sandwich with a side of pickle.

How about them saber tooth cats that never had a problem opening cans of friskies glop.
Or them woolly hefalumps that sound like Ray Romano. Think horse crap is bad to step in? HAH!
We could clone the ice man, but that's no big deal. 5000 years is nothing. Pointless.

We need to reanimate something worthwhile. Like Elvis!
Yeah! Dat's the ticket! Elvis is extinct, bring his shit back to life. Lotsa spooge and hair still all over Graceland. get some of that in a test tube and nuke it, or whatever they do to it. Forget the goats that don't know not to stand under a tree.

Or maybe whales or megalodon. Nothing says ecology more then a fifty foot shark!



Post by Maxell »

Aardvark, have I told you how much I love you recently? Priceless :)

Chris H
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Post by Chris H »

Can we compromise and have a fifty foot Elvis? I want to see him attack Tokyo and then fight with Godzilla.

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Ice Cream Jonsey
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Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

I had no idea that dodos tasted bad. They look very tender. Isn't the whole idea of veal to make the foodthing not move much? Maybe the dodos need to be brought back into reality and then forced to spend their newfound existence in cages that don't let them move and get the meat tough!

Ha! Ha! Ha!
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!

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Post by AArdvark »

Wasn't it some kind of natural defense? The birds taste bad so the predators (not that there were any on the island) don't eat them?

If Tokyo was the pie capital of the world a fifty foot Elvis would be all over that city like a tree branch on a goat.


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Post by Flack »

Who cares if they taste bad; they're all pink on the inside.

Yes, I said it. I think we should bring back extinct species for beastiality. I wanna pack dodo doo doo.
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On the subject of questionable decisions by scientists....

Post by loafergirl » ... 605202.stm

I know this an old story, but it continues to bother me.

Why? Seriously? Do you need a walking, snorting, nightlight? Preditors will be able to see it for MILES, great if you're trying to feed the wolves. And it's organs glow...
Would you like glowing green ham and eggs? Easter ham looks like it's been delivered from Nuclear Fallout Inc.

We will bring back the woolly mammoth, and then we will make it glow in the dark!!
1, 2, 5!
3 sir...

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Post by Worm »

It'd be a pretty cool pet.

EDIT: In the video they mention they're doing it for stem cell research.
Good point Bobby!

Chris H
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Post by Chris H »

Flack wrote:I wanna pack dodo doo doo.
First of all, I felt that somebody needed to quote that.

Second, since this seems to be the local Nature Channel thread, I just went diving and I've been dying to share this wonderful artistic picture. I call it, "Sea Cucumber and Her Poo." I thought it might be relevant to your interests.


Sadly I did not get any pictures of the Sea Hare orgy I saw. They're fun -- boy parts on one end, girl parts on the other, they form long conga lines. Nature is kinky.

loafergirl wrote:We will bring back the woolly mammoth, and then we will make it glow in the dark!!
It looks like we have glowing cats and rats now too. And glowing fish are commercially available (although apparently illegal here in California where I live)

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