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Hey, asshole (plus resolutions!!)
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 6:35 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
This can be anything from physical addictions, such as knuckle-cracking, fingernail-biting, TV-watching, and clicking "refresh" on the JC BBS four hundred times a day, to psychological addictions such as... well, just mind your own goddamn business.
My New Year's Resolution is for there to be enough content on this BBS for you to BE UNABLE to stop clicking "refresh" on it.
I really want to improve myself for 2003 as well, though. Shit, I didn't accomplish a goddamn thing. I can't think of where I should put my list, though. Not as a JC feature, because I don't want it floating around out there for anyone to just read. But hoo-boy, do I have some things that are pissing me off. Ah, shit, I will just list them here.
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 6:53 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
OK. In 2003 I resolve to:
1. Finish the fucking game I have been working on since December 11th, 2001. Jesus Christ.
2. Release at least two other games in the year, both of which are nothing like the ones I have done before. They don't have to be the largest games that Hugo can compile, they just have to be clever, fun and different from the shit I've previously slung.
3. Get back into college. Kee-rist. Two solid years and I could have 4-year degree in computer science. And that's with what passes as a "year" in college life being two semesters. Plus, my company will pay for it. Goddammit, I've got to get this done.
4. Work harder and better at work. It would help if I were not typing this at work, but we build to that. I had a crappy year at work, in terms of productivity, and I need to step it up something fierce.
5. Lose some goddamn weight. This will slightly take care of itself because I ended up gaining weight only after flag football ended (softball starts in a couple months) but there's no reason why I can't find a pool somewhere and start swimming, which is a form of exercise that I can do without wanting to kill myself due to the boredom. Oh, sorry, jogging, I didn't realize you were in the room. What? WHAT? Oh, fuck you too, jogging.
6. Move out of my goddamn townhouse and buy a home. I'm 28. I have no wife, kids, or responsibility. I make more money than my dad did when he had two kids and a wife to support and he found the cash to get his own house. Time to buy a goddamn house.
7. Quit saying "goddamn" so much.
8. Get better sleep. Everything Ben said for his 2003 resolution applies to me. I usually don't go to bed until 2:00am. (This is because I procrastinate writing enough code until 1:00am, get in a huff, write a bit, then fall asleep.) Plus, though I have loved sleeping on my frameless matress slung in the corner of my room, it's time for a real fucking bed. That leads to:
9. Shit I Need To Buy. A dryer (current method: air). A charcoal grill (current method: Burger King). A vaccum cleaner (current method: Mike borrows the one from the National Honey Board once every three months). Tires (current method: pray for warm and dry temperatures). A mop and bucket (current method for cleaning floor -- ask Randall to bring his dog over and get at the crumbs that way). A bathroom mat (current method: er, evaporation). Those all fall under the header of "it's cool living like you are 17 and in a punk rock band, but it's time to grow the fuck up and comport yourself like an adult."
10. Get the last Beaver album finished. This involves, probably, a trip to Kansas, San Jose, and Bristol. But I should nevertheless do it, because we've been working on it since 1999 and it'd be a shame to not have something to show for it.
11. Last but not least, finish the book I have been working on and try to get it sold. Take whatever I make from it and force my mother to retire. She's two years away from retiring anyway, so I will probably fail even if I succeed, but it would be nice if she could spend her days kicking back at her house, sleeping in and not being answerable to anyone and ultimately be able to say, "Holy Shit, you know, I guess I had some talented eggs after all" or something. I *should* have resolved to do that 10 years ago, but better late than never.
12. Get some better clothes. I have enough football and hockey jerseys. I know exactly the kind of clothes I feel comfortable and feel I look good in. I now need to get enough of them so that I can be outfitted in such a guise *every* day.
13. Meet more girls. I don't care if I "get laid" specifically, I just want to be in the loop, in the game, so on and so forth. I'll gladly talk at length to any female on the planet who does not appear to have one of those "stuck up, shoot down" faces, but I am just not meeting them because I 1) work at a place that is almost 95% male, 2) am working slowly on a game over the weekends rather than going out on a Friday and Saturday night and saying hello to the beautiful babies 3) feel I have shitty clothes that were old when they were new. It would be nice to have a few phone numbers that I could call if I wanted to see a flick with a cute girl on a random evening. Wouldn't it? You bet your ass it would.
So that's 2003. If I did all of that, I would say that, yes, I am officially "happy" and "content" as opposed to now, which I am neither. LETS GET CRACING JONESEY!!!!!
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 8:11 pm
by Roody_Yogurt
I'm mainly hoping that the next year brings some sort of unpredictable sunshine into my life, but here are my resolutions:
1. quit smoking again... for good, is the plan
2. get back in some sort of exercise regime and lose like 20-30 pounds
3. find some sort of other job that I may enjoy for a while and that pays the bills (after failing one class at a technical college last semester, I'm currently in the 'maybe school's not for me' phase... which will pass yet again some day when it's apparant that my life has still gone exactly nowhere)
4. work on my game enough that it can be submitted to the IntroComp... and hopefully even finish the thing
5. get a band together
6. make my brother's bachelor party pretty freakin' cool event for everyone
7. find some more like-minded individuals, especially some cool girls... definitely could use a boost of confidence in that department
Apologies that the list is sort of boring, but eh, what can you do.
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 8:40 pm
by Lex
Well, I don't know so much about most of that stuff, RobB, but a)The game is sure doable. I don't know about you guys on this board, who are obviously hobo's, but this *work* thing is really killing me. I'm knackered. Y'know how I realised? I'll tell you how I realised: I missed 10, That's right, *10*, Something Awful posts. I suck.
So I'm ignoring e-mail, raping BBses only occasionally, and, basically, ignoring all in life I once cherished.
I'm sorry. I'll try better next year. Errr, this year.
So on.
Anyway: The game is doable, now that I'm pretty much free to take photos at some point, it just takes a push (I got really pissed off cos my favourite glasses fell apart, and I felt they were really necessary for the character. I'd post a pic to show what I mean but I think RobB want's to keep'em under lock'n'key. Hey, Robb, Show the pretty ppl.
And girls: It really is just a question of motivating itself. You know those night when you think "I just want to be out there in the cool november air, dancing in the streets and living' it up in the clubs of San Jose /and/or The Fort?"
Do it. It's cool. Just put on a leather jacket, get some 2-inch thick boots, and strut. You can do anything like that.
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 9:19 pm
by Council for a damn PW box
I rp ... I rp .... I prop ... I probably could of logged in qit ... with the time I took to whip my forhead ... forehead off with a tissue.
1. Get rid of these sore like zit things on my forehead.
2. Look sexy.
3. I'd resolve something about school but it is going pretty well.
4. Curl up in the fetal poisition more.
5. Learn to type with this fucking flat keyboard ... and maybe clean it up.
6. Keep my room clean.
7. Cash that check and don't lose it.
8. Write Tom Clancy a letter questioning his involvment in the creatation of Splinter Cell.
9. Find a good looking girl to just abuse. Not physically. I just want someone to rag on then go fuck ugly girls behind her back.
10.Get some M&Ms in that fucking dispenser.
11. Lessen my goals and ambitions.
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 9:34 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Worm: What's this "pw box" thing you are talking about?
Lex: As it turns out, due to events over the last few days I have an actual deadline for said game as opposed to the flexy one I had before. More in e-mail, I guess, as I am hoping for some shred of surprise with it.
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 9:58 pm
by Worm
A password box when I hit "post a reply" it would have a user name field then under a password box or maybe even a password prompt at the "This user name is already in use" message.
I'm just a whore that is all.
12. Beat first chapter of Doom on Nightmare. Managed a bit into the third level so far.
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:47 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Ahhh, I gotcha. Yes, that would be nice, I agree. I'll take a look and see if it was placed in the last phpBB update or something.
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 11:44 pm
by Ben
You are all stealing my material, and now you owe me royalties.
BTW, check out the
PWC2 for some late-breaking, tragic, emotionally devastating news!!
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 1:07 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
erm... bears?
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 1:07 am
by Ben
OMG OMG, that is SO WRONG!!!!!!!!
(medium bears)
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 5:34 am
by Ben
My new years resolution is for my DAD TO NOT FUCKING DIE.
What's that? Ahhh, fuck.
This is some bullshit, right here.
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 3:22 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I'd like to say that you are taking the death of your father in a way completely alien to every single other person I have every known in my entire life.
This means that you are probably going to snap and hunt each one of us down with a shock rifle. It's just a matter of when.
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 3:51 pm
by Ben
Perhaps I am a cold-hearted, unfeeling monster!
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 3:58 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Have you managed to parlay this into some sympathy head from one of the conchitas that hang about Casa De Parrish?
That's what David Parrish would have wanted, natch.
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 4:02 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Lex wrote:Anyway: The game is doable, now that I'm pretty much free to take photos at some point, it just takes a push (I got really pissed off cos my favourite glasses fell apart, and I felt they were really necessary for the character. I'd post a pic to show what I mean but I think RobB want's to keep'em under lock'n'key. Hey, Robb, Show the pretty ppl.
Yeah, I want to keep it under wraps.
I do have a, ah, strict deadline coming up, which I didn't as of three days ago. With 35 shots to go, I need to give myself like six weeks to get them all Photoshopped, colored and merged correctly. So I'm probably gonna have to find a replacement for you if they aren't set in the next couple of weeks. If a "Daily Bad Name For Lex's Remaining Photos" thread would provide a proper push, well, we could do that, but that's more a Defcom 4 or 5 kind of thing, isn't it?
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 4:02 pm
by Ben
Ah, good idea!
Wait here, I'll go ask.
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 4:08 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 5:50 pm
by Ben
Welp, I'm back!!
Nobody was home.
Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 6:20 pm
by bruce
I can't decide if it's shock or utter bastardry, myself.