The Pandora
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:46 pm
The Pandora looks like this:

It is a handheld gaming system that solves some problems. It's made by some people that worked on the GP2x and GP32.
I have purchased two GP2x devices. They're okay. I guess. The first one I left in the bathroom at work. Some piece of shit stole the fucking thing (the irony) and I am positive it was part of the janitorial staff, since I was the last person to leave on a Friday, the first person in the next Saturday, and the only people who would have had access to the lavatory was the cleaning crew. gg assholes, I hope figuring out what the hell it was provided no end of smoke fizzing out your pea-sized brains.
I bought a replacement, and that's on the fritz. I didn't particularly like the thumbpad on it, so when I got my iPhone, well, that was pretty much the end of my interest in the Gamepark Holdings line of devices.
The GP2x could run DOSbox, but not really run it, because... come on, you need a keyboard. And a pointing device. And it's probably possible to make those things go on it, but I couldn't get it to run the PC version of Lode Runner at an acceptable speed. And Lode Runner is a very tiny .com file.
That brings us to this Pandora device. First of all, that's a terrible name: the Pandora music service exists on the Internet, and people just want to type the name of your device into a search window and go from there. With an almost infinite number of nouns, I don't get why there was any repetition. But the Pandora portable gaming device DOES seem to have a keyboard, and it's already running an Amiga emulator.
Here are some FAQ-like bits on its website:

It is a handheld gaming system that solves some problems. It's made by some people that worked on the GP2x and GP32.
I have purchased two GP2x devices. They're okay. I guess. The first one I left in the bathroom at work. Some piece of shit stole the fucking thing (the irony) and I am positive it was part of the janitorial staff, since I was the last person to leave on a Friday, the first person in the next Saturday, and the only people who would have had access to the lavatory was the cleaning crew. gg assholes, I hope figuring out what the hell it was provided no end of smoke fizzing out your pea-sized brains.
I bought a replacement, and that's on the fritz. I didn't particularly like the thumbpad on it, so when I got my iPhone, well, that was pretty much the end of my interest in the Gamepark Holdings line of devices.
The GP2x could run DOSbox, but not really run it, because... come on, you need a keyboard. And a pointing device. And it's probably possible to make those things go on it, but I couldn't get it to run the PC version of Lode Runner at an acceptable speed. And Lode Runner is a very tiny .com file.
That brings us to this Pandora device. First of all, that's a terrible name: the Pandora music service exists on the Internet, and people just want to type the name of your device into a search window and go from there. With an almost infinite number of nouns, I don't get why there was any repetition. But the Pandora portable gaming device DOES seem to have a keyboard, and it's already running an Amiga emulator.
Here are some FAQ-like bits on its website:
That's cool. The $330 price point is -- well, we've done this before, getting all smug about what things should and shouldn't cost. Yes, it's more than an Xbox 360. But who knows, with the sort of libraries this thing might be able to play from day one in emulation, it just might be cooler.How powerful is it?
It is by far the most powerful handheld in the world both in terms of raw CPU power and 3D graphics capability, it will be able to handle things such as Firefox3 or Quake3 with ease.
When and where can I buy it?
There are a small number of Pandoras left from the first batch - if you are interested in buying one please email
How much will it cost?
It's $330[.]
What is the device designed for?
It is designed as an ultra portable open source computer with gaming controls, it is very small, around about the same size as a DS. It can easily fit in your pocket.