I somehow got a hold of a "catalog" from a software retailer named Silicon Express, and I've kept their product listing ever since. It's not a catalog like a Sears catalog, but rather a large sheet of easily-folded paper with listings for titles on various platforms.
I suspect it's from around 1986. Alter Ego is listed, but King's Quest III isn't. Ultima IV is there, but not for the PC. It's got listings like this:
Code: Select all
2000132 OO-TOPOS POLARWARE II+, C, E 11.95
2000413 OO-TOPOS POLARWARE C64, 128 11.95
I'm pretty sure I ordered Spy Hunter from them. They have it listed as 26.00 dollars even. I would later find out that it wouldn't work on the PCjr. At this point, I'm not sure what happened - I know for a fact that it wasn't a game that we kept, because I have almost all my old floppies. Also, 26.00 was a lot of money to me when I was 12. So I would have freaked out at having flushed that much of it. Again - just guessing here - I wonder if I returned it and got something else.
At any rate! I'm going to try to scan the entire thing. It's really not that big, and shows what prices were for video games at the time. It's also got loads of Infocom titles - they wanted $21.75 for Zork I (all platforms) and $24.75 for Zork III. Infocom getting prices that were right in line with everything else Silicon Express offered up to four years later was pretty savvy on their part.