I had just been plugging the Vision Pro into a power strip and turning it and the game on at the same time. Depressingly ghetto! He had a device that makes getting crimped pins out of molex connectors easier, which I totally have to grab ASAP.
We took his car to get the Wizard of Wor. If you're on Denver craigslist, the same guy is selling Galaga, Track n' Field, Tempest and Asteroids. The Tempest is actually the Irish one! I had no idea that was a legitimately different rev of Tempest - I just thought the guy dropped a silver coin door on his because somebody at some point kicked in the original one.
The guy had new side art for WoW, which he included, so I was thrilled. When I was bringing it over to Cleverly's car, I took a close look at the side as it currently was, and, well:

The swastika to the upper-left is kind of messed up, so it's good that the guy took a deep breath and really nailed it on his second attempt. You hate to be the guy who can't carve one into a game until like his fifth or sixth try. The wizard making the "heil Hitler" salute with his hand is some wonderful syzygy.
Anyway! I, obviously, can't wait to put the new side art on. Though I haven't unrolled it yet, so for all I know, when I do I'll find out that the wizard on the new art is in blackface.