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The Power, The Majesty, ALAN

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:26 pm
by Nihil Vulture
Hey guys!

Been awhile since I was last here! I am working on my Text Addy, but I am now porting it to straight ALAN :) ALAN is a very good language, almost like Inform 7 meets a very unstable AGT... I loved AGT, don't get me wrong, but you cannot make games with AGT too much because it is very limited! ALAN, however, isn't. Yes it's not as powerful as Inform, but it is powerful enough to do whatever your imagination can guide you! Just right now, I am starting on my castle-crawl game... Title unknown, but the game is making some head way, from a Debian powered Laptop to the WinXP desktop, which I will hopefully restore by Thursday!

But if you are not much of a computer student, then you will love this language made by Swedes :D

Take care!

Re: The Power, The Majesty, ALAN

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:32 am
by Nihil Vulture
"almost like Inform 7 meets a very unstable AGT... I loved AGT"

I mistyped that one :P I meant to type STABLE XD

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:08 pm
by GangBangGuy
You're adventuring in it!