$80 for a 360 wireless adapter
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:29 pm
Every time I have to get some basic item for the 360 it's like being flung forty years into the future where the dollar is debased even more than it is now. Microsoft thinks a simple dongle that connects via USB to the 360 ought to be $80. I don't know why they stopped at eighty. Charge a hundred for it, assholes. The richest corporation in the world reduced to greasy hucksterism over a wireless adapter. I'm not getting it.
The reason I'm going to eventually get it is that I can't do wires any more. There's a 100 foot wire going from downstairs (where the router is) through the stairs, along the wall and under the door to the guest room (where the Upstairs PC is). It looks terrible. I can't shut the door if the wires aren't on the ground in that area between the door and carpet. It looks terrible! I want to go wireless.
Additionally, I'd like to use my laptop computer again. It's bad enough I'm tethered due to power, but having the network cable hanging out of it is also a pain.
And then there's my phone. I simply cannot get 3G or Edge at home. It really makes me mad, too. When the FCC decided to auction off the block of the electromagnetic spectrum that was originally free TV, we had a decision to make as a country. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but a band that has an amazing range for an entire city, that can penetrade concrete and shit is perfect for city-wide WiFi. I mean, I may not understand it correctly - but I think that it could just as easily be used to carry a WiFi signal as a TV one, right? Maybe I don't have all the facts. They sold it to assholes, though, so we'll never get that. If I owned an island nation, that would be promptly installed. That will never happen, and I must stop teasing my imagination that it will.
The reason I'm going to eventually get it is that I can't do wires any more. There's a 100 foot wire going from downstairs (where the router is) through the stairs, along the wall and under the door to the guest room (where the Upstairs PC is). It looks terrible. I can't shut the door if the wires aren't on the ground in that area between the door and carpet. It looks terrible! I want to go wireless.
Additionally, I'd like to use my laptop computer again. It's bad enough I'm tethered due to power, but having the network cable hanging out of it is also a pain.
And then there's my phone. I simply cannot get 3G or Edge at home. It really makes me mad, too. When the FCC decided to auction off the block of the electromagnetic spectrum that was originally free TV, we had a decision to make as a country. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but a band that has an amazing range for an entire city, that can penetrade concrete and shit is perfect for city-wide WiFi. I mean, I may not understand it correctly - but I think that it could just as easily be used to carry a WiFi signal as a TV one, right? Maybe I don't have all the facts. They sold it to assholes, though, so we'll never get that. If I owned an island nation, that would be promptly installed. That will never happen, and I must stop teasing my imagination that it will.