Jolt Country, what are we playing?

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Jolt Country, what are we playing?

Post by Ice Cream Jonsey »

Looks like there is a four-for-one deal on Left 4 Dead 2. And I think it takes place in New Orleans or something!! So I will be playing that. Shortly.

Jolt Country, what are you playing??
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Post by pinback »

Here is what I am playing:

1. NHL 10. It's hard to come up with a reason to play any other hockey game, including NHL 09. It's hard to come up with a reason to play any other sports game, including NHL 09. It's hard to come up with a reason to play any other game, including NHL 09. It's hard to come up with a reason to do anything else with your limited time left on this Earthly plane. Including NHL 09.

2. Torchlight. One day I sat around going "how come there ain't no hack-n-slash lately that I can totally get behind?" Boom. Hack-n-slash I can totally get behind. I need to sit around more often.

3. Constellation. Have I mentioned you get a discount off a $6 total bill, and I get IMMORTALIZED, if you buy this game and name me as a reference? Casual, board-game style strategy, on a PC, done right.

4. Tropico 3. The best of the Tropico series, and that's saying something. Some people are saying it's too easy, and having your own avatar in the game is weak. I say, I don't care, and I can make my avatar shoot a guy in the face and then go lounge on the beach, so no it is NOT weak.

5. Defense Grid. The best and only tower defense game worth getting, and god bless Finsternis, of all the stupid shit he's bought me over the years, trying to impose his bizarrely particular tastes on me, this is the second thing I've actually enjoyed. The first was the book Confederacy of Dunces. That book is better than this game. SLIGHTLY.

I did this in "top 5" format. Sorry if I wasn't supposed to do that.
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Post by Flack »

The last thing I spent any time playing besides GeoDefense (another tower defense game) was House of the Dead: Overkill for the Wii. Pretty fun, especially with a friend. It's done in a retro 70s stile, kind of like Deathproof. Also if you or your friends think that Wii games are too kid-friendly you should definitely check it out because this game just made the Guinness Book of World Records for the most appearances of the F word in a video game.

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Post by Lysander »


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Post by Worm »

Dragon Age: Origins, it's hard to explain. Though I probably will.
Good point Bobby!

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