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My 7 Year Old Reviews the Atari 2600

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:04 pm
by Grocer
The other day I dig my Atari 2600 out of the basement and hook it up. My 7 year old son who loves video games gets all excited and wants me to show him all of "my" games.

We go through a bunch of them

His Favorite Game: tie Adventure/Q Bert
His Favorite Moment: When your ship gets destroyed in Space Invaders - because it sounds like a fart.
Overall Impression: "Dad, when you were a kid all of your games were mini-games. "

Biggest WTF game: Adventures of Tron - I couldn't figure out what the object was.

Most Disappointing moment (for me): When playing "Starmaster" I couldn't get any enemy ships to appear.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:14 pm
by AArdvark
I used to have 'Indiana Jones and the something-something. Never could figure out just how to play. Maybe that was the real object of the game. try and figure out what the objects on the screen are in relation to the Indiana Jones movie, then act accordingly. Hmmmm, who's playing whom?

You are the little blue square. Avoid the green triangles!

Mini-games. Actually, he's right.


Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:32 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Hahah, the mini-games comment is priceless.