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Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:54 pm
by Straw
...why didn't anyone tell me that the Wii was so easy to mod?

Last Sunday was my oldest's birthday, and she finally got a Wii. I could barely wait till she went to bed to start cracking at it. She caught a glimpse of me clutching the controller with an evil look in my eye before she turned in for the night and asked me what I was doing to her Wii.

I would have felt real bad if I bricked it.
But, I didn't. Homebrew channel, neogamma launcher even runs my Gamecube "backups". I already filled up the memory with wiiware from mario Kart to two different versions of poker, a texas hold em for the kid and strip poker for daddy.

Sure, it's just a gamecube with wifi and motion sensing. But it sure is slick, folks.

Playing Final Fantasy: The After Years now. See you in 4 hours.

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:50 am
by Flack
I've modded mine twice now. My first mod chip just up and died, so I had to buy another one. The first one involved soldering five wires, the second one simply snapped in. Especially in the case of the second one, it took longer to disassemble the Wii than it did to install the chip. (Same thing for the 360, for that matter.) If I have to mod another Wii (or mine the third time) I would just do a soft mod.

The latest Wii firmware update breaks playing games from other regions, and all updates warn you that updating a modified console may cause it to stop working. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Nintendo releases an update that stops all mods from working. The problem is, they occasionally imbed firmware updates in new releases which forces you to update if you want to play the game (the latest one is in New Super Mario Bros). I turned off updates on my Wii for the time being. I'm worried that one of my kids will unknowningly apply an update and brick it.

Chips and Salsa

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:07 am
by milker
Which chip did you both go with? Just curious as I updated a few .wad files and the neogamma game loader and had success with updating my soft hack to play the latest Mario. Although, I am waiting till I do have to go a full blown mod chip to pull this off. I expect soft hack to go by the wayside.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:23 am
by Flack
My first one was the original WiiKey and the new one was a WiiKey 2.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:44 pm
by straw
No modchip for me. Ours was already version 4.0 so all I did was

-bannerbomb exploit to install homebrew channel, I was surprised that it worked without a hitch and straight away
-as soon as I was able to, installed priiloader and made a backup of the NAND and keys
-then I fumbled around trying to install IOS's before I just said fuck it, ran "pimp my wii" which checks your system then goes out on the internet to download all the current IOS's.
It also updated me to 4.1 firmware.

How do I block firmware updates? I told the kid not to update but I tell her to do a lot of things she doesn't.

I see the setting in Priiloader to block firmware updates, is that what you mean?
Flack, also maybe you should update your preloader. When I did I got way more options and "region free" for CD's and SD came back.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:34 pm
by Flack
All my configurations are done though the WiiKey 2 Configuration disc. That's where I turned off firmware updates and enabled the region-free stuff. (There's also a setting to just block firmware updates from out-of-region games).

Before I knew how to block updates I was just disabling the Wii's wifi connection, which works great except you have to retype in the WEP connection every time you want to go back online.