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Speaking of Text Adventures and Dungeon crawl Text Adventure

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:20 pm
by NihilVulture
Oki, I was wondering, is there ANY easy to use, gui purty, text adventure engine that always dungeon crawls or even some kind of Text CRPG? I don't want to use ALAN, or use Legendary Tales, I7, etc. I can program one with in time, but my plate is full with the Table top and the other games...

In other words, I am LAZY :P I just want a two word parser, with/out graphics, but allows CRPG customization stats

Boy I am asking alot, aren't I? So far, I found MAC (Mystery Adventure Creator) by Paolo Luccessi, but it always very little graphics. I want to make an old school game, with new school touches... But I bet you all will tell me the one thing I dread: code it :P

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:19 pm
by AArdvark
(note: I really screwed myself years ago when I decided to post my sig in all caps! Every time I start a new post I forget to turn caps lock back off and I write the first sentence in all caps. I then have to erase it and type it again. This has been going on for the better part of twenty years now. Think I would remember by now...)

I thought up a video game today. A kind of role playing game, if you will. Dunno if this has been done already but I'm posting it here first.

You are the devil. OK maybe not THE devil, but A devil. Your goal is to go out and collect souls. How you do this is by the usual trickery and cunning common to all the devil/soul stories. You have a variety of disguises you can assume and you go about convincing people to do bad things or by offering challenges. The more the person is corrupted, the more soul points you get. This is also dependent on the type of person and what they do.

Lets get an example right now: Here is Mr. bartender. You convince him to start cheating his customers. Well most bartenders do it already so that's not many points, but challenge him to..say, make a better flaming flamingo. You beat him and you get the lion's share points. You lose the challenge and you lose points.

That was a poor example. But you get the idea.

Anyway, you keep on collecting points like this until you have enough to challenge heaven for control of the universe.
Maybe you fight the pope too, as a mini-boss or something.

It's sort of like real time strategy and sort of like resource management. The very fact that I put it here will mean that I will add ideas to to it and make it more workable.


Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:20 pm
by AArdvark
Addendum: At any time during one of your challenges to mortals you are able to cheat and just take their soul, but you get very little points for it. The way to get the most points is by finesse. That keeps things interesting but not impossible.

You are able to contrive intricate deceptions with multiple people and if your schemes pay off you get bonus soul points.
Like if you got person A to tamper with the brakes on Person B's car and they die by driving into Person A's wife or husband, killing them both, you get points for both deaths. Let's call that 'irony points'.