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Discovered an UNDEDOG QBASIC language! QB64!

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:18 pm
by NihilVulture
Oki, I ordered long ago PlayBASIC... Hoping to get good stuff done... Like a text based RPG :P well, put it away, looking for other BASIC languages that powerful, but yet free... Mostly hoping for a QuickBASIC clone

Found one! Deep cover into the silicon jungle... I found QB64! :D

Not only can Win64 can use it, it's compatible to Win32 :D I am like oki, is this a hype turned into an abandoned project? NO, it's at .80 on the version number! I downloaded it, then unzipped it in my OTHER FILES folder on Drive C:\... I was shocked at the enumerable dynamic link library... But the real test was to come... Does it really clone QBasic? YES! It even does more!

On to my experience with PlayBASIC... QB64 Will be identified as qbasic for better understanding... PlayBASIC, you must redefine variable strings... Something that QBasic never had a problem of doing, is automatically DEFINING the variable strings (like names of the players, or how much gold and food you have)... It took me over 5 minutes to see why the variable doesn't work on PlayBASIC! But when I had QBasic/QB64 tested, the Angels rejoiced in a choir of Halleluja! The thunder gods drummed in triumph! The naked muses even... Well... You get the picture!

I was able on the fly to show fullscreen mode, jpeg files (every freely known formats of pic files is covered), music/sound (there's a function that does that on the fly, but only plays it for the duration of that file, unless you loop it, you only get to hear the file once!), hell, even File I/O (input/output procedures allow saving and loading external files that are made by that one program alone...) is in it!

Arrays, might be easier as well, need to check that out, seeings how the project I am doing uses mapping, and Data arrays are the best for that!

Well it's onto the CRPG of mine!

Check it out, the QB64 is easy to find when you goodle it.
