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Google Voice Plead and Beg

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:57 pm
by milker
Does any of you fine fellows have an extra Google Voice invite you can spare.

I was an original Grand Central user before the big G spot bought them out and now see the need for a separate phone number again.

You know, something about listing items for sell on Craigslist and sending out your cellphone number to strangers is a little bit frightening. Which is another study. I swear, how hard is it to set a time to come and look at something via email. Why must you call me. Come and look and if you want to buy my item, buy it. I don't need to give you my cellphone number to do such a thing.

This thread is now dead

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:12 pm
by milker
Ah to hell with it. I just bit the bullet and bought one on Ebay.

This fricken topic is now done. It is a complete waste of internet space. This thread is now a deserted ghetto.

This thread has now gone super nova and will leave a black hole in your mind.

If you are still reading this, I probably owe you 30 seconds of your life back.

Well thanks for reading. Now back to setting up a prank call back number on google voice.