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keypress macros

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:38 am
by jossiejojo

I'm wanting to make a macro that can be used after a long-message. The player reaches an inn and the message says 'you have arrived at an inn. Will you stay here? press y
to stay, press n to move on'

I can t get the keypress or getkey commands to work and the manual doesnt really explain this. Can anyone help please? How are these commands implemented in a macro? this is nt shown in the manual...


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:37 am
by rld
Well, I know that the 'read key' macro commands work, because Chris's Ultima game uses them extensively in several places.

This should be a fairly straightforward thing to do. Can you post your macro code? That might help someone figure out what your problem might be; there's also the chance you ran into a bug no one else has encountered yet.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:00 am
by jossiejojo
HI thanks for the suggestion...of course Ive realised its way easier to do it the other way round: run some dialogue that triggers a macro - so thats what Ive done. But will look into the read key option...