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Magic Points using a standard template.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:06 am
by jossiejojo
If you use the F3 option to create a new game you get a template that (unlike say the Ultima template) doesnt have a cast option - but does have magic points (MPs).

Im just finishing a little game based on The Odyssey (as in Greeks and Trojans etc) and I'm conscious that at present there is no way for my player to cast spells and therefore use up magic points....

Is this a minor design flaw or have I missed the point? Is the best and easiest solution to redesign the template?

Re: Magic Points using a standard template.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:34 pm
by rld
jossiejojo wrote:If you use the F3 option to create a new game you get a template that (unlike say the Ultima template) doesnt have a cast option - but does have magic points (MPs).
All ACK games have spells/skills that can be set to use up MP.

The only reason I can think of that you wouldn't have the 'cast' command available is if you have it set to be merged with the Use/Ready commands.

Go to "Configure Adventure" from the main screen, and then go to page 4 (Game Setup). The last line should read


If it doesn't, hit U to change the setting. With this setting, you should be able to hit "C" for cast in your game, and any spells/skills you have defined should show up in the selection list.

Note: spells/skills have to be in the player's inventory in order to be cast.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:10 pm
by jossiejojo
youre right that setting makes all the difference

It doesnt seem to work very well to have spells readied and used via the 'use' fact it only seems to work
with the cast command....
