7-year-old prostitution/gangrape, God bless America

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7-year-old prostitution/gangrape, God bless America

Post by Lysander »

http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/04/03/5- ... rape-case/
Officials say the 15-year-old was baby-sitting her sister Sunday afternoon when she encountered two males who invited her to "hang out" with them. She agreed and brought her sister along to an apartment.
It's not written here, but I'm heard other places that the seven year old actually wanted to go to look after the fifteen-year-old, which is like eight different kinds of fucked up and sad.
The 15-year-old first agreed to have sex with the men for money, Trenton police Capt. Joseph Juniak said. She then gave the men permission to "touch" the 7-year-old, he said, adding that it's likely the 15-year-old gave the 7-year-old some of the money she had received.
Oh that's nice! See, what we've got here is someone with a truly refined sense of morality and common sense in regards to future planning and finances. I mean, you have to take the girl along to your hooker bashes, because to just leave her at home would be *irresponsible*! And I mean, she did totally earn that money, so by all means, keep it! It's yours. No seriously, don't. Ever. Tell anyone where you got it from. Just go wild! Spend it on lollypops or pencils or whatever the fuck darling sister spends on shit. <3!
Molestation of the 7-year-old "quickly escalated to rape," Juniak said. The men held her down and said they would kill her if she screamed, he said. The 7-year-old was found after she left the building by two women who escorted her home, according to police.
In her defense, once she actually took her to the apartment (which was a terrible error in judgement she must obviously pay for) it's hard for me to see how she could have gotten herself *out* of that situation. I imagine if the lechie dudes all start goin' after the kid you've got to be throwing out the desperate hope that you can satisfy them with just molestation and then get the fuck out as quickly as possible.
The older girl is charged with aggravated sexual assault, criminal restraint, endangering the welfare of a child, and promoting prostitution, police said.[/quote wrote:
I could be totally off-base here, but the first charge seems kinda trumped up. I mean three pretty serious misdemeanors she'll most certainly be found guilty of--plus, you know, the whole being raped while watching sister get raped by over half a dozen assholes thing's gotta poke a bit at the conscience. That's not enough? Obviously, no suffering we can legally pile on her is equal to what her actions caused to occur to the poor kid, so trying seems inda petty and mean. And And none of what we do is going to make her any more afraid of what might happen if she does it again than the memory of what happened the last time.
Early Thursday morning, police conducted a raid at Rowan Towers, the public housing apartments where the assault occurred, and arrested 27 men and women on outstanding warrants from unrelated cases.
Oh way done cops! I know you're busy, and I think it was very obliging of teh criminals to all just congrigate in one area that you already knew about and then just hang around for you show up and arrest them. Seriously, that's what it takes to mobilize a force to round up known criminals? Good to know, guys!

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Post by Flack »

That's just an awful story that keeps getting worse the further you read. I mean, right at the beginning you already know nothing good is going to come out of a 15 year old partying with a bunch of adults, but yeah, it just keeps getting worse. Christ.

And what kind of 15 year old comes up with a plan to have sex for money? That never occurred to me as a 15 year old. Well, sure, the sex part crossed my mind about 27 times a minute, but for money? That's odd right there.

Pimping out the younger sister ... I don't even know where to go at that point.
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