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Allergy Warnings gone Amok

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:53 am
by Tdarcos
A box of Aunt Jemima Complete Buttermilk Pancake Mix I bought has the following warning:

Contains Wheat, Milk and Soy products; may contain Egg.

As a confirmed atheist, I would hope to Christ that a package of Buttermilk Pankake Mix would have wheat, milk and egg products! What the hell are they going to make it with, sucrose polyester, glycerol esther of wood rosin and sawdust?

At least the Peanut Chew candy bar I bought the other day doesn't stupidly warn "may contain peanuts"!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:09 am
by Flack
There was talk earlier this summer of banning peanuts from planes, but I haven't heard much about it since. ... on-planes/

My daughter has a kid in her class who is highly allergic to peanuts and on our last field trip we received a note asking that we not send pb&j in her lunch because it could affect the other kid.