Sometimes it's good to neglect things. My PS3 has been collecting dust since.. oh, about when RobB said to check out Braid. Before that it collected dust after I had high and mighty plans to dual boot Yellow Dog Linux with it and test text adventures in linux etc.
But I turned it on, I don't know why, probably just to make sure the old girl still worked. It bugged me that I needed a system update.. no shit. Luckily I actually read the screens for once instead of just clicking through, because that motherfucker was about to REMOVE ACCESS TO MY OTHEROS PARTITION. Er.. come again?
Yes, they had full intentions of disabling access to the previously supported (to the extent of charging money for an offical Linux kit accessory) 10 gigabyte partition in exchange for an update that allows you facebook updates on your PS3 or some other equally gay shit.
On a launch 40gig machine, that's 1/4 of your hard drive space blown away with no way to even use it for your PS3 games. What a slap in the face.
But at least for whatever update they were attempting to shove down my throat, 3.5 or 3.41, there WAS a warning screen about just what it was about to do.
Apparently, the 3.21 update just did it, and the (ex) Linux user only found out what happened when they went to boot linux, because 3.21 was pushed through like any other update.
So after some searching around I found the 3.01 update and "upgraded" from my measly 2.78 then proceeded to install ubuntu linux.
It's much nicer than the official yellowdog, has a nice gui and finally comes through on Sony's own advertising that the PS3 is not a game machine but a home computer. It damn well should be for $600MSRP and fuck you Sony for removing it.
Also: this is old news. Last April. You probably already have heard this but I am out of the loop.
Sony removed it because GeoHot found an exploit in OtherOS that was about to lead to PS3 modchips.
Now, you get to choose -- keep OtherOS installed, or upgrade firmware so you can play online. :/
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:25 pm
by js
Consumers and organizations that currently use the "Other OS" feature can choose not to upgrade their PS3â„¢ systems, although the following features will no longer be available;
* Ability to sign in to PlayStation®Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation®Network, such as online features of PS3™ games and chat
Fuck you, Sony. I'm on 3.15 with Ubuntu Linux dualbooted and have been on PSN all day thanks to good ol "progress". Just have to be a little smart about it and clear your list of played games + insert a real game before going on PSN so that you're not one of the tools in your friends list that says "Last game played: Backup Manager"
Soon they'll have fully spoofed 3.50.. and a full custom firmware would be nice. Patience!
...I just watched 2girls1cup on the web browser, fullscreen...
my PS3 will never be the same.
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:39 pm
by Flack
Cool, let me know when they spoof 3.50 finally. My kid is dying to play Pain online again.
In the meantime, I've got him shooting zombies using the rifle from Big Game Hunter on the Wii. Ah, what we do while mommy's out of town ...
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:12 pm
by Guest
You can play Pain online, if you're on 3.41 - it only needs 3.30.
I'm using a hex from "" and PSN works fine, 3.5 is spoofed for 3.41 already. They say 3.15 and 3.01 should follow in a day or two.
FYI I tried about a dozen hex's for 3.15 and none would even boot till I found that one I mentioned above.
What board/device are you using? I'm on a Teensy 2
celebrating 15 years of lockdown
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:17 pm
by sony's loyal customers
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:59 pm
by js
gotta do it
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:46 am
by Jack Strawl
Don't let the wrist-wringers at scare you off, either. PS3 linux is not abandonware.
I just found this daily linux build which is kind enough to accomodate the PS3.
I love the red text at the top. That's awesome. And the block of text at the bottom really makes the package whole.
* PS LINUX "will not be available if the system software is updated to version 3.21 or later." LOL :P KTHX BYE
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:39 am
by Flack
Anonymous wrote:What board/device are you using? I'm on a Teensy 2
I don't have one yet. I just stopped upgrading when they said they were dropping OtherOS because sometimes in this game you'll upgrade yourself right past where you want to be.
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:07 pm
by hindsight
Very true. I actually wish I had stayed on 2.78 now that there are psgroove versions coming out for it.
I WOULD like a 3.41 to play around with all the cool new stuff. I would like lots of things =)
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:07 am
by starw
Flack wrote:Cool, let me know when they spoof 3.50 finally. My kid is dying to play Pain online again.
PS3 Update update: 3.50 has been spoofed, but it's kind of 1/2 ass. PS3 thinks it's at 3.5 so at least it doesn't bug the shit out of you to update.
But it doesn't really make much new run that didn't before... anything built with a certain SDK version needs the PS3 to be "really" on that firmware to work. It'll try to run, but you get a black screen.
PSN/online worked for the first week or so but has been down for jailbreak users ever since Sony took PSN down for maintenance last week.
What I'm waiting for is an actual custom firmware that would include all the current 3.5 libraries so everything can be run, yet would allow unsigned code to run. Not having to fuck with a USB dongle is just icing on the cake.
It sounds as if you're waiting for the same thing, because I don't see a way to get back online with simple jailbreak payload updates. SOny hasn't banned anyone yet, but they can definitely tell who is jailbroken, and they have fixed the online spoof glitch, at least for now.
(FYI I was playing a real disc game at the time I got kicked off PSN, although the jailbreak was active. So they are not just going off "last played" lists or something obvious to other users. They are able to detect, over the network, the current mod - even the latest release)
You are smart to wait.
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:15 am
by Jack Stra
oh, also GT5 was released. Whoopy fuckin doo.
No way to play it yet though. The hope was that the Euro version would be build with the 3.3 SDK so it could be played on 3.41 with an eboot/param.sfo swap but it looks like it's 3.50 in all territories.
Aaaargh, me mateys.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:30 am
by Flack
So if I buy GT5, will it automatically upgrade my PS3?
I've always hated the idea of having to own two of the same console (one to pirate games on) but I may end up doing that for the PS3.
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:34 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I think Sony owes you a few free games if they're going to pull Linux support from their machine. This isn't based on facts or whatever, it's just a feeling.
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:29 am
by Flack
And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... am hooked on a feeling!
(Do do DO doooooooooo)
Linux on XBox
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:58 pm
by Tdarcos
The older version of XBox had a bug that if you used a hacked savegame with a particular game - I think it was a James Bond 007 game - it would allow you to install and run arbitrary unsigned code; the "arbitrary unsigned code" being the Linux Operating System.
The patch allowed you to insert it into the dashboard and boot Linux, it meant that for technical reasons you could not use a feature, I think it was XBox live, and was fully reversible so you could back out to the way it was.
So this gave people the capacity to run Linux and Linux-based applications on Xbox.
There were lots of complaints about Microsoft being unable to fix various problems in the XBox when customers complained about them, but when this "bug" showed up, Microsoft moved with all deliberate speed to fix it.
When the customers are screwed over, it's like pulling teeth to get things fixed, but when the company screws itself over to the benefit of the customer or the customer figures a way to screw over the company, then you see them act with lighting speed to fix it.
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I think I will upgrade to 3.50 now before Sony releases another new one.
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:34 am
by Guest
As fas as I have seen, there are no 3.5 jailbreaks in the wild.
What there IS right now is a downgrade for 3.5. I did it successfully on a guy from work over the weekend, took it from 3.5 back to 3.41. I didn't have to format the hard drive, but did lose blu-ray playback. (those are the 2 risks of doing the downgrade, having to format the hdd and having blu-ray playback disabled)
Whatever you do, don't update to 3.55. It's a strict security update and does not add any features, only removes them.
Also Sony pulled all pre-3.55 firmware updates from their servers so unless they're mirrored somewhere on the internet you need to pull them off of discs. I'm still looking for a US 3.01 or 3.15 so I can test and see if downgrading from 3.5 allows you back into linux.
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:40 pm
by Flack
Is there a list of what games install what firmwares? (I suppose Google could answer that just as easily; strike that, I'll go look.)