Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:47 am
Worm, that delightful little scamp, pointed me to this pit bull rescue organization on Facebook, who had come up (with a totally straight face) with the following unintentionally hilarious-beyond-words photo to deliver their FROWNY FACE MESSAGE:

Worm then added:

Worm then added:
LET'S DO THIS! Someone out there's gotta be good enough with photoshop to add abuse-ees to this picture! Throw in whoever you want! Whoever you want... abused!!(10:39:25 AM) AngryBoy: he's got them all lined up
(10:40:02 AM) AngryBoy: it's what you'd call a 'grand slam' of abuse
(10:40:26 AM) AngryBoy: I guess all he needs is an elderly person and a minority for it to be a FULL HOUSE of abuse