Wordpress and changes
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:59 pm
1. I think there was a message here about how some function in Wordpress was changed, breaking code that ran using it because the arguments were no longer the same. Here's a reference to an article about SAAS where if you're using it, your vendor can change your contract interfaces and some don't even tell you when they do so: http://www.infoworld.com/d/adventures-i ... 2010-11-18
2. Wordpress provides a very strong template feature in which you can assign a particular posting to a particular template and when it is to display that particular post it invokes a specific PHP program to do the display any way it wants to. I came to realize how really powerful Wordpress is, and if I had known it three years ago I might have chosen it over what my blog uses, B2Evolution.
2. Wordpress provides a very strong template feature in which you can assign a particular posting to a particular template and when it is to display that particular post it invokes a specific PHP program to do the display any way it wants to. I came to realize how really powerful Wordpress is, and if I had known it three years ago I might have chosen it over what my blog uses, B2Evolution.