ACK Adventure inspired by Minecraft
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:40 am
This is just copy pasted from a Pm on the minecraft forum where i helped someone working on a new ACK game inspired by minecraft.
Hey thats awesome! :D
BTW: yes you can import textures - sorry so late responding. Busy work week and I forgot to check pms here. Might be better to either email me or join Jolt Country bbs [forum actually] and start a thread about your WIP and post your updates, questions, etc. there. I am in the habit of checking the Adventure Creation Kit subforum there regularly.
Jolt Country BBS -Adventure Creation Kit Sub-Forum.
Poyomon2 wrote:I figured out how to make textures and the basics of making creatures. So far I've made the textures of:
Zombie Face,
Creeper Face,
Gold Ingot (Currency),
Iron Sword,
Gold Sword,
Diamond Sword,
Wooden Sword,
Stone Sword.
That makes 9 textures.
I am happy that I've done this.
Importing new tiles to an ACK adventure:
First make a 320x200 BMP file in PhotoShop or PaintShop Pro or the prog of your choice. I prefer PhotoShop myself. We may need to create a new palette file for your Minecraft ACK game or we can try to convert the palette of the image we wish to import tiles from to the default ACK palette. Converting pallets happens in the paint program you use. I know how to do it in Photoshop only so I cant help with any other paint program in that regard.
once you have your 320x200 image start adding your tiles to it. You can open any other image and start copying and pasting stuff to it. I like Photoshop because I can create guides or use grid align to help me make the best use of the image's space for tiles and to keep them all nice and straight both horixontally and vertically but that doesnt really matter. When you use the importer in ACK you will be moving a little tile selector around the screen pixel by pixel anyway, so you can actually just throw the tiles in there in no particular place and still be able to import them.
Now when you have all your tiles on the new image, convert the image to 8 bit 256 color [you can try to convert the image to ack palette by capturing an image from ACK using ctrl-f5 while viewing an image in game and using that in Photoshop as the new palette for your new 256 color 8bit indexed image].
So now that you have your import tile set image ready save it to the ACK\Import directory in BMP format. Then open ACK and load the game you want to add tiles to, then open tile editor and press alt-b to begin importing from a BMP file in the import directory. It will show list of files there if more than one. if file is wrong format it will just crash ACK. So if it crashes open your bmp in your graphic prog and make sure it is saved as 8bit, 256 color, 320x200, bmp format or it wont work.
Also the palette may be all screwed up if it doesnt match the pallete the game is using. If there is a file called pallete.bmp in the game directory it automatically uses that pallete for that game. Otherwise it will use ACK default. Easiest way may be to just put a copy of the image you want to import into the game directory of your game and name it palette.bmp. That should solve your problems with minimal effort. But if you update your tiles you will need to update that pallete file as well.
Here is the ACK manual.
You can also go to this manual's search function at the top to find stuff you need a quick reference for. For example try searching for "custom palette." Also do search on "import from BMP files."
Use Alt-B command in the Graphic Tile editor to import from BMP files.