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Here's A Thread Where We Chew The Fat To Pinback's Many Flaw

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:36 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
This is a fun thread where we can speak to the many flaw of Pinback, who seems to be going out of his way to be cruel and unusual to us all, one man at a time. I'll start.


Tdarcos, I'd like to begin with you. The two of you were on Fido-Net together, along with the Bull and Finch Pub BBS. Has Pinback always attempted to run people off whatever multimedia communication device he has shared with others?

Aardvark, you have been witness to the many cruel taunts, unflattering impressions, and angry diatribes of Pinback, on the web-based version of Jolt Country BBS. Is he, in your opinion as a man of varied talents, driving people away? Like poison?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:41 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I am going to get a glass of scotch, and we can talk about how Pinback has continually destroyed this place.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:49 pm
by pinback
That's good. This thread will no doubt contribute to the quick demise of this place, finally and for good, so I thoroughly approve.

Now let me grab an entire goddamn box of frozen White Castle burgers, sit back, and ENJOY THE SHOW.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:53 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
May we talk forum theory for a moment? I am fascinated by forum theory. Someday I will make a blog post called "Why You're A Terrible Fucking Moderator" and it will *not* be passed around the blogosphere, because the people that admin and moderate forums will think it doesn't apply to them, but it does.

Forum theory. Let's start with this: A forum's entertainment value lies strictly within the writing quality of exchanges between its angriest members. When was the on-line version of this BBS at its greatest? When was it at its peak, it's golden age? When pinback and Jethro Q. Walrustitty were screaming at each other.

Maybe in the dial-up days this was different, because everyone lived in the same town and there was the possibility of friendship, but for the modern forum, as soon as the angry and funny people leave, you are left with a boring forum that nobody bothers to read anymore.

However, this is inherently dangerous. It requires that there is some driving force keeping people coming to the forum, to keep them butting heads with each other. If the angriest and best writers of a particular BBS also admin the BBS, the BBS will eventually die when whoever the admin is in a heated exchange with feels they are being run off by an appeal to Internet authority, the most laughable kind.

(It also requires that nobody involved have sand in their snatches, but that's this whole other thing.)

Where this is all going is this: as the QUALITY of the experience here increases, it is more likely that Pinback will drive someone OFF. And then we're back to where we were for most of 2010, in a boring purgatory. So I am imploring all of you to not let Pinback run you off, even though he almost certainly will do so and this place will be poorer for it.

But that is why this BBS has no posters. People post, people scream at each other in a funny way, someone takes it seriously (or in the case of that one guy, kills himself, allegedly) and then people leave, and the place sucks again. That is why this place becomes a ghost town a few weeks after it is at its comedic best.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:57 pm
by pinback
Except this time I'm not waiting to be funny. I'm driving you all off, with purpose, with great malice, and without a care in the godforsaken world.

Wrong? Possibly.

Very, very wrong? Yes.

But this is where we're at. You are all going away. Pretty soon it will just be me here, and I still won't have moderator access, which is all I've wanted since this began.

Christ, even tollbooth collectors get promoted once in a while.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:00 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey

Go to RIGHT NOW. Do you see the man there? If you don't know who I am talking about, scroll down.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:40 am
by Bugs
While their latest album was their best yet in terms of sales, I thought it was overproduced.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:30 pm
by js
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Where this is all going is this: as the QUALITY of the experience here increases, it is more likely that Pinback will drive someone OFF. And then we're back to where we were for most of 2010, in a boring purgatory. So I am imploring all of you to not let Pinback run you off, even though he almost certainly will do so and this place will be poorer for it.
This latest tactic of pinback's seems to be some sort of homosexual reverse psychology. He is so completely infatuated with me and furious that I am a "breeder", not the least bit interested in balding old maggots, that he has resorted to fantasizing about pornography involving fellatio with me.

He's not going to drive me off, though. I am only here waiting for new of the day when Ben finally loses it and cuts his little pinner off in a fit of self loathing rage. Hopefully he'll throw himself out of the window crying so I can send his parents a sympathy card. Something like "sorry about your dead maggot son, the least he could have done is save you a shred of dignity and not cut his dick off" or something nice like that with flower stationary.

Re: Here's A Thread Where We Chew The Fat To Pinback's Many

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:13 pm
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos, I'd like to begin with you. The two of you were on Fido-Net together, along with the Bull and Finch Pub BBS.
I don't remember him being on Fidonet. And as the B&FP only had about 7 or 8 regular users he didn't have much of an opportunity to chase people away.

I do remember a couple of things. A reporter from the Washington Post wanted to find some information about woodworking, and for some reason got my number. I told her I'd have someone call her, so I used her name and phone number, registered on the BBS as her, then posted a public message saying I was her, mentioning I was a Washington Post reporter, and asking Michael Raugh to call her.

Ben and I did a stunt where (at his urging) I created a fictional user who stumbled on the BBS named Lester Snow and used the nickname "Snowstar" or "Snow*Emergency Route" and did his own logins, sometimes getting between fights between me (as Tdarcos) and Michael. This lasted a couple of months until Michael discovered it was me and told me to ditch the fake account.

But it was fun while it lasted.

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Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:30 pm
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Forum theory. Let's start with this: A forum's entertainment value lies strictly within the writing quality of exchanges between its angriest members.
I think I can go along with that. Usenet news group was supposed to be about Ross Jeffery's method of getting women to go to bed with you and discussions on similar methods.

It has been, for six years I was there and years before, basically the display piece for a sociopath named Gordon Roy Parker who used the nickname "Ray Gordon," and everyone else who basically showed up either to use flamethrowers on him or to enjoy the show and perhaps throw wisecracks from the peanut gallery.

Ray is a sick fuck who said things like, ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, that the firefighters who died in the World Trade Center deserved it. On the very day it happened.

Gordo threatens people and files lawsuits in federal court against some people if he doesn't like what they said. It was so bad - and so entertaining - that I even had choice quotes of his, plus things Federal judges said about him in my signature file:

* "... upon consideration of Plaintiff Gordon Roy Parker's... continued and inexcusable failure..." {Gordon Roy Parker v. "Wintermute" et. al.} 02-CV-7215 (Feb. 25, 2003, Federal District Court, Eastern District, Pennsylvania)

At the time I wrote this in, the only other reference to "continued and inexcusable failure" on the Internet was the U.N. clusterfuck in Kosovo that got people killed.

** "[Y]ou can again go fuck yourself. I am too polite to get into detail about what I think is wrong with someone like you." - Ray Gordon, March 16, 2003 ...

*** "Plaintiff is... completely incomprehensible..." {Gordon Roy Parker v. Google, Inc.} 422 F. Supp 2d 492 (2006, E.D. PA)

He sued Google for indexing his website, if you can believe it. He apparently never heard of ROBOTS.TXT.

The only major poster on the group he never went near was me. He basically just libelled me a couple of times and threatened to sue me three or four times, I think.

I was there a week when I pointed out the whole thing was a mutual codependence society; the audience fighting him is the abused wife who can't leave while he was the husband who beat her. Nobody seemed to notice much that the purpose of the newsgroup was to find quick ways to seduce women, e.g. quick ways to figure out how to talk a woman into going to bed with you.

But it was crazy fun sometimes. When Ray was gone from time-to-time, most of the conversation died off. He was so rancid he even kept spammers away! We almost never got spam in the group, suprisingly.

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Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:42 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Christ, even tollbooth collectors get promoted once in a while.
Except at The Phantom Tollbooth where it's the tollbooth itself that gets collected.

The movie was a really great translation of that book.

"What will become of Milo? Born on a summer's day..."

I must have seen that movie 40 years ago. More memories.

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Re: Here's A Thread Where We Chew The Fat To Pinback's Many

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:55 pm
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:This is a fun thread where we can speak to the many flaw of Pinback, who seems to be going out of his way to be cruel and unusual to us all, one man at a time. I'll start.

My guess is that his girlfriend isn't around, so like Flack who announced if he were in the commercial for the Kindle he'd have stuck his dick into everything, Pinner hasn't gotten enough fucking lately so he's fucking everything else!

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Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:05 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Except this time I'm not waiting to be funny. I'm driving you all off, with purpose, with great malice, and without a care in the godforsaken world.
You Bastard! You Killed Kenny!
pinback wrote:Wrong? Possibly.
You're a sick fuck.
pinback wrote:Very, very wrong? Yes.
You are a complete and total bastard.
pinback wrote:But this is where we're at. You are all going away. Pretty soon it will just be me here, and I still won't have moderator access, which is all I've wanted since this began.
Bring it on, asswipe. I've taken on worse guys than you; my mistake which almost caused me to leave here was I took you seriously. I never made that mistake with Ray Gordon on the Usenet newsgroup, I won't make it again with a sick fucking total bastard like you.
pinback wrote:Christ, even tollbooth collectors get promoted once in a while.
Yeah, professional thieves (tollbooth collectors take money from innocent drivers) move up to kidnapping and murder.

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Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:46 pm
by AArdvark
Aardvark, you have been witness to the many cruel taunts, unflattering impressions, and angry diatribes of Pinback, on the web-based version of Jolt Country BBS. Is he, in your opinion as a man of varied talents, driving people away? Like poison?
Like any evil genius, Pinback knows the way to increased content is controversy. Good or bad controversy is irrelevant.
The trick is to not take any of it personally, which some people (I understand) do.

Of course he may just be hiding a warm, muffiny personality with a hard crusty online persona and in reality be a nice guy.


Re: Here's A Thread Where We Chew The Fat To Pinback's Many

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:22 am
by Tdarcos
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:Tdarcos, I'd like to begin with you. The two of you were on Fido-Net together, along with the Bull and Finch Pub BBS.
Old Home Week: I've found old Usenet postings from 1995 when Ben and I both had accounts on Digex.Net and he basically spent his time criticizing everything I wrote. He wrote this rather funny message about paragraph 53 of "The Tdarcos Convention" as if I had a set of rules like the Geneva Convention.

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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:28 am
by Ice Cream Jonsey
And look where Usenet is today. Everyone left it. Clearly, there's a pattern.