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Eating Shit off a plate

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:25 am
by Tdarcos
Hormel Food Sales LLC
1 Hormel Place
Austin, MN 55912
February 24, 2011

To the reader of this letter:

I am writing to you because I purchased two of your Hormel Compleats Roast Beef and Gravy with mashed potatoes and I have a problem with them. I have bought and eaten your Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Turkey with Stuffing which I've had no problem. But your roast beef product tastes extremely unpleasant, as if the "gravy" were 90 weight machine oil.

But that's not true; the gravy and the mashed potatoes were okay; it was the roast beef itself that tasted bad. At first I thought it was expired but as the enclosed package shows, it expires April 2012. It had a horrid "machine" taste that made me think the product had been used first as a gasket in a motor or something. Or to put it bluntly, as if it had been used before then retrieved and this was its second use.

This was the second of two I bought, I figured maybe it was a problem with the first one, so I decided to try it again, but I discovered the second one tasted just as bad as the first. Basically both tasted identical, they were exactly the same and both were equally bad.

I would like your company to send me a refund of $4.50 to cover the cost of the product plus mailing this letter. (I can't use coupons; the store doesn't accept them.)

Sincerely Yours,

Paul Robinson
"A computer programmer and Notary Public in and for the
Commonwealth of Virginia at large, and the
State of Maryland in and for Prince George's County."

\\paul\paul\Hormel 20110224.wpd; Enclosure

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:30 pm
by pinback
If you made a website consisting solely of your complaint letters to product manufacturers, and made it a pay site, I WOULD SUBSCRIBE.

Re: Eating Shit off a plate

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:33 pm
by js
Tdarcos wrote:I have bought and eaten your Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Turkey with Stuffing which I've had no problem.
It's important to enjoy your food.

Re: Eating Shit off a plate

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:19 pm
by Tdarcos
js wrote:
Tdarcos wrote:I have bought and eaten your Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Turkey with Stuffing which I've had no problem.
It's important to enjoy your food.
I didn't say I enjoyed it; I said I had no problem. Now Banquet's Pork Rib TV dinner with mashed potatoes and corn, now that I enjoyed.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:21 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:If you made a website consisting solely of your complaint letters to product manufacturers, and made it a pay site, I WOULD SUBSCRIBE.
This confirms what I said about you elsewhere here: you are a sick fuck.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:40 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:If you made a website consisting solely of your complaint letters to product manufacturers, and made it a pay site, I WOULD SUBSCRIBE.
Speaking of money, I got a letter thanking me for my comments, saying they regret that their product didn't live up to my expectations, and hoping I'd continue to buy their products.

Plus this:

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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:30 pm
by pinback
Haha! That's excellent. What are you going to spend that check on, friend?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:30 pm
by Tdarcos
pinback wrote:Haha! That's excellent. What are you going to spend that check on, friend?
Not sure. If I'm not stupid and didn't forget and just put it on the shelf, the correct answer is to put it in an envelope and mail it to the bank.

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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:46 pm
by js
See, now you've ruined your own triumph. This started as a CLASSIC thread of the little man gallantly claiming victory over a megaconglomerate. You TAUNTED them, basically stuck your cant-get-erect DICK out at them and they paid you what you demanded! THAT RULES!!

....but then you ruined it by gloating about the time you pettily ripped off another company, Pitney-Bowes. Bragging about stealing $500 in postage, keep up the good work man. You must be a posting bot because I've never seen anything like you. For every 83 horribly grating, nastily boring, tepid posts there's a shining gem in there. Then eighty three more... well here we go.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:11 pm
by Tdarcos
js wrote:See, now you've ruined your own triumph. This started as a CLASSIC thread of the little man gallantly claiming victory over a megaconglomerate. You TAUNTED them, basically stuck your cant-get-erect DICK out at them and they paid you what you demanded! THAT RULES!!

....but then you ruined it by gloating about the time you pettily ripped off another company, Pitney-Bowes. Bragging about stealing $500 in postage, keep up the good work man. You must be a posting bot because I've never seen anything like you. For every 83 horribly grating, nastily boring, tepid posts there's a shining gem in there. Then eighty three more... well here we go.
You're right; I have - probably one of the few times I've ever done that - deleted part of a posting. This site is indexed by Google, I've decided not to have that archived. It's best to drop that item since it basically ruins the story.

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