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Hire the morally handicapped

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:43 pm
by Tdarcos
The following spam appeared in a newsgroup:

Have you ever wondered what a day of survival means to many children who have become victims of catastrophes like earthquakes, flooding, famine and tsunamis world over??

Even one dollar goes a long way in relief efforts for these children -- there is no other organization helping in a large number of relief efforts for children world over -- please donate generously. Follow the links to "donate" from the main pages of

It is good karma for humanity to protect children from effects of catastrophes. Please donate generously.
To which I responded:

On Mar 23, 12:51 am, My Python <mypython_2> wrote:

> Have you ever wondered what a day of survival
> means to many children who have become
> victims of catastrophes like earthquakes,
> flooding, famine and tsunamis world over??

"Have you ever wondered what a day of survival means to sociopaths like serial killers and child molesters? After a long day of torturing and/or dismembering victims, you need a chance to rest and refresh so you'll do better. They can't if they have trouble finding work.

"Help the sociopathic. Hire the morally handicapped."

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Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:11 pm
by Flack
Well good news, they just had an opening in the cat killing department!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:51 pm
by Tdarcos
Flack wrote:Well good news, they just had an opening in the cat killing department!
I heard they call that Meowthanasia.

"Why do they call killing old people Youthenasia? Shouldn't it be Oldenasia? Shouldn't it only be called EUThanasia when it happens in the EU? Shouldn't they call it USThanasia when it happens here?"

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Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:53 pm
by pinback
Tdarcos wrote:
Flack wrote:Well good news, they just had an opening in the cat killing department!
I heard they call that Meowthanasia.
::: record scratch :::

::: gears grinding to a halt :::

::: old man slurping soup :::