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Chicks Digging Jerks

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:18 pm
by bruce
Yo, Jonsey.

Remember that thread about women and pizza places, and Longmont?

Well, I just downloaded the <i>Chicks Dig Jerks</i> source code.

Vanessa Falls Pinter? Remember her? Your post-comp-commenter?

Yeah, well, she's my ex in Longmont. Shit, if I'd'a known she knew you we could <i>all</i> have gotten together last time I was there. And she and her husband are really cool. And so are their dogs, and their daughter was a little larval last time but she's probably really cool too now.


Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 5:25 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
Oh, how cool. Yeah, Vanessa and I traded a few e-mails after CDJ came out. That game got hammered when it first came out, and she offered up a lot of thoughtful criticism and feedback for the comp version. That went a long way towards polishing up the second release and for giving me some stick-to-it-ness in IF.

Did you get her interested in text adventures, or was that just a coincidence and/or common interest?

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 6:08 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Did you get her interested in text adventures, or was that just a coincidence and/or common interest?
She was into them before she met me. She gave me a gray-box Zork II, complete in box, for my 19th birthday, in fact. (Yes, you grassfuckers, it was already a collectible by then.)


Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 6:45 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
bruce wrote:She gave me a gray-box Zork II, complete in box, for my 19th birthday, in fact.
Best girl ever. I'd kill everyone in this state for a girl who gift-wrapped an Infocom game for a birthday of mine. Er, except that one, natch.

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 6:58 pm
by bruce
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote: Best girl ever. I'd kill everyone in this state for a girl who gift-wrapped an Infocom game for a birthday of mine. Er, except that one, natch.
You clearly need to meet a better class of women. I can think of at least two exes of mine and my wife to whom the idea would occur. I think you should go cruising the Text Bars.


Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 7:30 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
I don't think I've ever been with a woman for an extended period of time who could stand them. Not that any of them were real big on other types of games either. That's why I would really like to meet and date a deaf chick at some point. I'd be all, "yeah, I play computer games" and she'd be all, " :( " and then I'd be all, "Wait! Text adventures, too!" And then she'd be all, "Ah, I've got myself a reader!"

All right, I haven't thought this through and will be leaving work shortly, so the above paragraph will stay until I can come back and edit it.

On other forums I go to, there are hushed tales and whispered anecdotes that indicate that there are some members of the female persuation out there that kick it gamepad style just like we do. But surely... Surely such descriptions are a myth! Purposely-inflammatory tales told only to crush the hopes and dreams of other like-minded forum denizens!

(Ahh, I'm just kidding around. Except for the part about hooking up with the hearing impaired. RAWR, MOFOS, RAWWWWWR!!!)