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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:28 pm
by Ice Cream Jonsey
What do we think of this trailer?


The main thing I think is, "I wish this wasn't an MMO."

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:55 pm
by Flack
I know the Caltrops Crew are picking it apart, but it looked pretty good to me. From a plot perspective, it did seem similar to Episode I, in which a Jedi (Qui-Gon) told everybody to get on a ship while he stayed behind to battle a Sith Lord, and somebody made an escape by jumping up to an open escape hatch. Overall I thought it was pretty cool, except I can't imagine anyone in outer space wearing a cowboy hat. Historically, cowboy hats were designed to protect wearers from the elements -- namely sun and rain, two things you would think they would have a handle on in a galaxy far, far away. Wouldn't it be a pain in the ass to remove a big ass hat every time you put on your helmet or headset? Wouldn't it mess up your hair? I don't know, it just seems impractical. If Han Solo (the original space cowboy) doesn't get to wear a cowboy hat, nobody should.

Are there any other Star Wars characters that wore hats? Other than Amidala, those giant head things were stupid. Ooh, Bespin guards. Those guys had hats. Everybody else had helmets, I think. What happened to civilization where people evolved away from hats? I could see Jar Jar wearing one sideways.

Wow, totally sidetracked.

The biggest insult everyone keeps throwing at this game is, "BLARGHHH, it just looks like WORLD of WARCRAFT, but STAR WARS." What's wrong with that? I never played WoW, because it wasn't Star Wars! Isn't Duke Nukem just Doom, but with a different guy? And worse humor? Playing an online Star Wars game with a million other people sounds pretty fun to me.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:06 am
by AArdvark
Don't want a cowboy in my Star Wars. Don't want Star Wars in my cowboy. Nice boots and duster, tho.