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Welfare Office Lost My Paperwork Again

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:45 am
by Tdarcos
Because of too many people the Prince George's County Department of Social Services opened two additional offices, one on Belcrest Road in Hyattsville, MD (about 1/2 mile from where I live) and another one in the lower part of the county, in addition to the main office on Brightseat Road in Landover.

So for clients in my part of the county if you went over to Landover they would send your paperwork over to Hyattsville.

Back in May they sent me a recertification form which I returned. Now I get a notice from the Hyattsville office that they did not receive my form and if they don't get something by the end of the month they will stop my benefits.

So I call that office at the phone number on the letter and the recording tells me if I'm calling a caseworker to call another number. So I do and basically it says that for what I need to press 0 to talk to an operator.

Surprisingly enough, I'm only on hold for five minutes. When I get the operator she explains that they've closed down the Hyattsville office and moved everyone back to Landover, so if I sent the forms into Hyattsville, there was nobody there to process them!

So I'll just have to go back to Landover tomorrow and basically waste most of the day to get the form and resubmit it.

Even the woman on the phone laughed when I told her about the last notice I got where it said you have to report all changes within 10 days, but they had to tell me that despite the requirement to process all claims within 30 days, that they couldn't process my claim within 30 days.

"Tell me this isn't a government operation." - Ed Harris, "Apollo 13"

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:54 pm
by Flack
What? When I got over there, I would give those guys a Landover Fist!

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:36 am
by Tdarcos
Flack wrote:What? When I got over there, I would give those guys a Landover Fist!
Now you know why insurance companies typically have claims offices which are protected by bullet proof glass. I am not kidding. Even they realize as much as they screw over claimants that sooner or later one or more of them is going to go Postal and so the drones who reject valid claims need to be protected; if any of them get injured on the job, that's an expensive workers' comp case they'd have to pay!