Additional cheat commands?
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:23 am
Looking at the part of the code in O_PLAY0A.PAS which implements the various cheat/debug commands, and trying to think if anything else useful might be added here for game development.
One thing I definitely want to do is fix it so you can use the variable PEEK/POKE command (Ctrl-P, when debug mode is enabled), to read/write both sets of variables (A-Z and A2-Z2), not just A-Z as is currently implemented.
Anyone have any other suggestions for debug commands that might be helpful?
The current cheat/debug/special key list is:
One thing I definitely want to do is fix it so you can use the variable PEEK/POKE command (Ctrl-P, when debug mode is enabled), to read/write both sets of variables (A-Z and A2-Z2), not just A-Z as is currently implemented.
Anyone have any other suggestions for debug commands that might be helpful?
The current cheat/debug/special key list is:
Code: Select all
Normal game commands
Change combat message speed
Sound on/off/volume
Cheat/debug commands
Reload editor files
Show transparency mask/status
Switch keybuffer on/off (not sure what this does exactly)
Flight mode on/off
Show free memory amount
Restore HP/MP to maximum levels
Show current location
Show current time
Warp to a specified location
Run a specified macro
Turn on invisible mode