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Can we lose the nondeletable / noneditable flag, or why?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:39 pm
by Tdarcos
Some of the forums on this BBS are basically set up for one-shot messages, once you post a message it's there forever, you can't edit the post and you can't delete it. I haven't used delete much except when I posted something twice, but being unable to correct something I missed the first time is often painful.

I mean, Firefox is nice enough to include a spell checker and if I'm typing something in it will redline it, warning me the word is not in the dictionary (the way the word "redline" in this sentence was itself redlined when I typed it in, as also "redlined" was too just this second.) Now, I can look at a posting and discover I made a mistake, and fix it, but sometimes you have to see it a second or third time before you notice you something out.

In the alternative, can someone explain why some of the forums here do not allow editing of the posts one writes here?

* Yes, I intentionally did the 2nd paragraph of this posing with a word missing from the last sentence.

Re: Can we lose the nondeletable / noneditable flag, or why?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:41 pm
by Tdarcos
Tdarcos wrote:In the alternative, can someone explain why some of the forums here do not allow editing of the posts one writes here?
As it turns out, this particular forum is one that has the noneditable flag turned on. You have to write a new message to add onto one once saved.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:28 pm
by The Happiness Engine
It's a philosophy thing. If you write something, and someone responds to it, it's really not fair to be able to go back and "revise history" in response. From there things descend into a chaos of constant edits until nothing can possibly make sense to someone who hasn't seen every revision happen.

You said something in public, it stays public. Spend more time proofreading or don't post.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:01 pm
by AArdvark
I was wondering what was going on with that. I thought it was a software bug or something.


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:42 am
by Tdarcos
The Happiness Engine wrote:You said something in public, it stays public. Spend more time proofreading or don't post.
But it's not consistent, some of these forums do allow editing of posts, and some don't, and I'm trying to understand why some are editable and some are non-editable.