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Twelve days to receive a payment is ridiculous

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:31 am
by Tdarcos
I used to have a credit card with HSBC, called the "Sears Solutions Mastercard", and after two problems, (1) they couldn't raise my limit to at least the level to where I could rent a car (that's $500), and (2) won't change the payment due date from the 10th to the 13th (to give me 10 days from when my Social Security Check is received by my credit union), I fired them.

I found a different credit card from Merrick Bank, which has a $750 limit, allowed me to set the due date on my account (I originally said the 13th, which is 10 days, but the clerk suggested - since I can only change the account due date once a year - to give it a few extra days and make it the 18th.)

So after I got Merrick's card, I called HSBC and told them to close my account. (I knew if I didn't I'd run up bills on both credit cards.) Next month I will send HSBC $23 and I will have paid off the remaining balance.

Well, anyway, I got my bill from Merrick and for this month I spent $365.80 so when my direct deposit came into the credit union on the 2nd (since the 3rd is a Saturday the arrival date is advanced one day) I had them issue a check for $367. I took the counter check in the envelope to the post office across the street from the credit union, paid cash for a stamp, and had the clerk keep the envelope.

So the letter would have gone out sometime on the 2nd of September. It is now September 14 and they have still not received my payment; in fact because I paid other things I'm maxed out on my credit card until they receive the $367.

If I have to pull out some extra money to buy more food I can go to the credit union, I spend less than I receive each month so I have a little money left. But the bank is in Hicksville, New York, and it's less than 260 miles; if I was in a car I could drive there in six hours. Even the post office puts First Class Mail delivery at 2 days.

So how the hell is it that twelve days after I mail a payment from the Post Office they still haven't received it? The agent on the phone says the mail delivery there is so bad he's heard of payments taking 15 days.

Which says something about leaving your processing office in a place with known-bad mail delivery. I think I'll use my corporate checking account and pay them by electronic draft, they accept check payments on their web site.