Sixteen F----ing Days? What the h--l is going on here?
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:48 pm
I changed credit cards from HSBC to Merrick Bank because HSBC would neither change the due date for may account nor increase my limit. I had the card for three years as of July, or it might have been four years.
HSBC recommends mailing in the payment ten days before it's due. Nice trick, as my due date is the 10th and my Social Security direct deposit comes in on the 3rd. So I ask if I can have the payment due date advanced three days. No.
At some point I decided I might need to rent a car so I'd like my limit raised from $300 to $500. No.
I saw an ad for Merrick Bank announcing a card with a $750 limit. I applied, and I was approved. Once I got the card, I told HSBC I was closing my account. (I knew if I kept it I'd use it too.)
I got them to set the due date, first it was going to be the 13th, then the clerk suggested making it the 18th. So I did.
So basically I've been using this card like it was a checking account, as I pay off the current balance every month. So, when my latest bill said I owed them $365.83, I had the credit union issue a check for $366. I went across the street to the post office to mail it, on the 2nd.
Merrick Bank has not received the payment, as of today, the 18th. What is interesting is that since they didn't get this payment, the card is maxed out. So maybe it got lost in the mail.
Except, since I needed some money I went to the <s>bank</s> credit union Friday the 16th to take out $50, and checked. Their records show that the check was cashed on that day. So clearly they have received the funds, they just have a problem.
I note this never happened before, and this is the third month I've had this card. I am not happy with this.
I mean, I can understand it can take time to receive mail, but sixteen fucking days? What the hell is going on?
HSBC recommends mailing in the payment ten days before it's due. Nice trick, as my due date is the 10th and my Social Security direct deposit comes in on the 3rd. So I ask if I can have the payment due date advanced three days. No.
At some point I decided I might need to rent a car so I'd like my limit raised from $300 to $500. No.
I saw an ad for Merrick Bank announcing a card with a $750 limit. I applied, and I was approved. Once I got the card, I told HSBC I was closing my account. (I knew if I kept it I'd use it too.)
I got them to set the due date, first it was going to be the 13th, then the clerk suggested making it the 18th. So I did.
So basically I've been using this card like it was a checking account, as I pay off the current balance every month. So, when my latest bill said I owed them $365.83, I had the credit union issue a check for $366. I went across the street to the post office to mail it, on the 2nd.
Merrick Bank has not received the payment, as of today, the 18th. What is interesting is that since they didn't get this payment, the card is maxed out. So maybe it got lost in the mail.
Except, since I needed some money I went to the <s>bank</s> credit union Friday the 16th to take out $50, and checked. Their records show that the check was cashed on that day. So clearly they have received the funds, they just have a problem.
I note this never happened before, and this is the third month I've had this card. I am not happy with this.
I mean, I can understand it can take time to receive mail, but sixteen fucking days? What the hell is going on?