Final Impressions of StarCraft 2
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:14 pm
I have taken into consideration what I have seen with the game. I realize now my comments were frustration with trying to figure out how to get a playable game running. Given that I was able to play the actual campaigns, and I see that for the novice player they do put them in a position where there is some effort involved, so it is a bit of a challenge at higher levels.
I withdraw my comment that StarCraft II is unplayable. I was wrong. But I qualify that by saying that several attempts to figure out how to get to the actual campaigns was futile and this frustrated me.
I am thinking that the game is okay, and basically, for $60 it's not my cup of tea. For one thing, because of my own economic situation, $40 is about the limit on my threshold of pain for buying a game. I mean, I paid that price for Portal 2 because I knew the previous game.
I'll weasel out a bit by saying that if I liked this sort of genre, I would buy it, even at $60. Now that I understand what is going on, I do agree it's a fairly good game for the type of game it is in terms of graphics and gameplay. I wish the stupid notifier wouldn't keep telling me to reduce the resolution or close other programs to improve performance, the view of the game is okay and I can't do either: it's on the lowest resolution and StarCraft II is the only thing running.
While the game is interesting, I just don't think it's the type of thing I would really play enough to be worth that much. I don't know exactly why, but I still don't see this sort of game as being that interesting to me.
But more than that, if I tried to play this in competitive mode, I know what will happen: the fucking players who run this game 26 hours a day, eight days a week will crucify me.
Oh, Ben, I said I was interested in doing a co-op or competitive game with you, and I said I was available any time, but I never hear back from you.
I withdraw my comment that StarCraft II is unplayable. I was wrong. But I qualify that by saying that several attempts to figure out how to get to the actual campaigns was futile and this frustrated me.
I am thinking that the game is okay, and basically, for $60 it's not my cup of tea. For one thing, because of my own economic situation, $40 is about the limit on my threshold of pain for buying a game. I mean, I paid that price for Portal 2 because I knew the previous game.
I'll weasel out a bit by saying that if I liked this sort of genre, I would buy it, even at $60. Now that I understand what is going on, I do agree it's a fairly good game for the type of game it is in terms of graphics and gameplay. I wish the stupid notifier wouldn't keep telling me to reduce the resolution or close other programs to improve performance, the view of the game is okay and I can't do either: it's on the lowest resolution and StarCraft II is the only thing running.
While the game is interesting, I just don't think it's the type of thing I would really play enough to be worth that much. I don't know exactly why, but I still don't see this sort of game as being that interesting to me.
But more than that, if I tried to play this in competitive mode, I know what will happen: the fucking players who run this game 26 hours a day, eight days a week will crucify me.
Oh, Ben, I said I was interested in doing a co-op or competitive game with you, and I said I was available any time, but I never hear back from you.