Worm wrote:I realized this fact well playing Metal Fatigue which I enjoy but I recently figure out why I enjoy it. You can build giant robots ... the game requires no skill and is simply about building fast, getting up turrets, then attacking quickly. Can anyone reccomend one RTS that isn't all horseshit? I simply believe all of them suck. WC3 was just like WC2 which was just like WC1 which was no different from Star Craft which I hate. AoE I hate too and any incarnations. So do any RTS games not suck?
Ice Cream Jonsey's Real Time Strategy Countdown!!!!
In the order I've played them:
1) Warcraft II. I have mentioned this before, but when I got ahold of this for the first time, I played it and did absolutely nothing else for three days. One of the greatest games ever made, in my opinion, but the thing is, I feel that way because I played it first. If you've never played a RTS game before -- if you've never played anything like it -- and you sit down and go through that one, it's just pure sex witha mouse. Didn't finish it, though, as I grew tired of having to completely create my structures and such for every mission.
2) Command & Conquer: Red Alert. There was a time where you could not read a gaming magazine or go for what passed as the Internet without someone saying that either Red Alert sucked and WC2 rocked or vice versa. Again, a fantastic game. Stopped playing it because I grew tired of having to completely create my structures and such for every mission.
3) Command & Conquer: It definitely does have the best installer ever. Game itself isn't bad either, but the graphics are almost so blocky to impact on the fun you can have with it. Stopped playing it because I grew tired of having to completely create my structures and such for every mission.
4) Myth: Well, they eliminated resource gathering. It's now about tactics, biznatches!! Except... there were none. This game is a complete pile of shit and I hated both it, Bungie and Mac Users for a long, long time solely because of it. Also: CASUALITY! CASUALITY! CASUALITY! That was the "You must gather your party before venturing forth" before Baldur's Gate came out.
5) Starcraft: OK, seriously, this is all the same frigging game to me. Bugs in space or something? Jesus.
6) Cannon Fodder: Great game, and I love how Amiga Power got all the British WWII vets for putting that frigging poppy on their cover. Haw, haw, haw! This was probably the last RTS game I've enjoyed.
7) Age of Empires: Never installed it, actually.
8) Myth II: Pure shit. One of the worst games I've ever played. It got recalled because the first wave of boxes didn't contain any, you know, code that would actually install properly and run. Also, Bungie offered you ten bucks off if you sent them your WC2 or Starcraft CD so that they could melt them down. Way to go, Bungie, way to attempt to kill off the secondary entertainment software market! Fucking assholes.
Then, like three years passed....
9) Warcraft III. I don't get it. Was this ever fun?
10) Kohan's Gift. Aside from the fact that Dominion: Storm Over Gift III should have disabused everyone from EVER putting the word "Gift" in the title, this game got rave reviews from Computer Gaming Monthly. I bought it because it was like $9.49 at EB. I have installed it, and I did play the training mission. It bored me to tears. I do intend to actually play a "real" mission, but... well, I don't want to say it sucks or anything, but after Freedom Force, my tolerance for 2D games that do not feature a rotatable camera has really, really lessened. But hope isn't loss, I'm not going to say it sucks.
So there you have it. In 1996, Warcraft II (or C&C, if you played that first) had a great idea for a game that, frankly, has been driven to DEATH. Unlike the first person shooter, there just isn't enough appeal in graphics or story to get me to slag along with these things that are clones of one another. Some of them try to remove the resource gathering part, but that never works. I don't know if any of them remove the "start from scratch" part. So any way, if there is a "next big thing" in real time strategy, I sure do not know about it. I mean, Age of Mythology is out and all, but if you are sick of RTS is there anything there for you? I dunno.
(My opinion may differ if I played RTSs against live opponents. But I don't, so take that for what it's worth.)